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interlude L2venezuela multiskills interlude server


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well the server is multiskills...subs stuck the rates are x5000 but exp isnt the problem nor farming for enchants....i make events all the time like 2 in an hour....nice prizes too...we are adding mordor weapons this week ^_^ pvp all the time everywhere :D just join l2vzla.servegame.com and dont forget to vote ^_^

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lawl nah u can spam BOa that means endless pvp i ve seen guys pvp for over 4 minutes..endless pvp all the time and u get soul of phoenix and salvation that means u self ress ur self so even if u die one time it doesnt mean its over ;)

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l2 ownage has 1+3 subs and limit to attack speed/cast speed also the rates are different and the enchant rates...ownage has limit +16 our server has +51 max enchant ^^ also custom armors that are obtainable through farming..in ownage u have to donate only  to get custom stuff ..also the pack of l2ownage is different that the pack of our server...so its not a copy after all ^_^

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the main part is a copy if you can understand then its not my fault in a server you don't see the enchant rate or the way something is obtainable to say they are different but the main points and its a Copy you said it it self on msn if you remember  goux goux!! And after all a server without a domain but on a free server kinda lame

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