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Hello , im playing in a C4 Off  x1 server


here is my rquest,  i want to bot in workshiper  with a  BH,  TH,  PP,  SE and a SpS, the thing is that i dont know how to set up the walker  just to  sleep when 2/3 mobs attack my  party, and how to  attack mobs only with  2  Hydro Blast so the SE  wont run out of MP so quickly.


This is the way i set it  but it just keeps casting hydro blast over and over again






Thanks, sorry for my bad english  -   



dont know how to set up the walker  just to  sleep when 2/3 mobs attack my  party


in Far Attacks tick the option Skill5, choose Sleep from list, range should be something like 500 (correct ingame if u see it doesn't work good), and type amount of mobs


how to  attack mobs only with  2  Hydro Blast so the SE  wont run out of MP so quickl


Simply tick skill2 and skill3, type hydro blast, in skill2 target hp>0 and in skill3 target hp<10000 (should be enough). Don't tick REPEAT option. Should work. Ah, and don't choose any skill in Attacking type>>USE spell, just let it blank. Untick When target hp<80% Use direct attack too.


Correct me if I write something wrong ;)


thanks for the answer,  i try that and it goes like hell  but  when the SpS its done with the hydro Blast he begins to hit like a fighter  -.-  ( dunno  if theres a way to  avoid this)


Maybe its not the right bot party for a Catcomb


Are u sure that u untick option 'When target hp<80% Use direct attack'? And in attacking type option use spell should be chosen, but without any spell inside (let it empty). And in short attacks untick 'Use melee settings'. Maybe this will help ;)


Very poor setup.

This is for indoor party play, you don't need to use both far and short


so use only short.

set short range to 900, don't tick Weapon, it doesn't change.

Skill 1 - keep default values and put Surrender to water

Skill 5 - Sleeping cloud - 2 or 3 mobs


Use spell - hydro blast


and untick 'When target hp<80% Use direct attack'

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