Hello again, I have further questions on the flag, as could put that if the players are pvp so they can not drain hp from mobs.
If I could help would be appreciated.
All I want to know how you get to kill people in hide and move silent (and derivatives), and now to be able to use such a skill does not kill the players.
Si quieres mejor te escribo en español :p
Sell data pack HighFive check, ready to put online.
(freya version also available)
With these custom mods:
Olympics 2 weeks.
Vote Reward hopzone/topzone. (1 pc ip)
Chats pvp's.
Welcome Pm.
Fake npcs.
Subclass restrincion removed (elfs).
Pc Bang.
Custom Clan Halls.
Announce lord castle.
Announce get castle.
PvP Color system pk title system.
Refusal trade.
Crazy rates.
Quake system (no rewards).
Town war.
Npc Chat.
TVT Round.
Dressme v1.
Announcement hero on.
Announcement GM on.
Champions with auras.
Last Hero.
Hide and Seek.
Custom title start.
Custom skill enchant max.
Anti Afk TvT.
Hero & PvP weapons and items to enchant.
Balancer classes.
Evento Mysterius Ruins.
Bloodshe Event Solo.
Capture de crystal.
Custom stores.
1 pvp = 1 Mouse coin. (editable before purchase.)
Raid Event.
No use gk in mode flag or combate status.
No speak chat is dead.
To contact send private message in the forum.
Thank you.