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Everything posted by NeoDark

  1. Sell my pack for 30€ learn your pms.
  2. You sell at mimosin at code is FAIL. Sorry scammer :)
  3. Error newbie :( offtopic: Eres mi fan!! desde elite amorcito aun no me olvidas :$ soy tu papa! Ontopic: @Tomcru1se Give you code .getreward for 10€ good price, lindvior sell for 35€ same code :)
  4. Scammer :) do not read this to be a thief.
  5. UP!!! God price!! 16€ only!
  6. Excellent contribution is perfect for me freya and h5.
  7. nobody will have the same null l2 of the preview?
  8. nice spamer, what share? link dead :D
  9. Save me writing a post, I'm looking for the same :D.
  10. good buffer but gives a couple of mistakes, and fix and I walk from hell.
  11. freya not you have to? :D
  12. Paste your file plz :)
  13. try heliocsQQ sorry for doblepost.
  14. heliocsQQ freya is perfect in me.
  15. enabled in the settings? (L2jmods) # Enable/Disable TvTEvent System TvTEventEnabled = True
  16. work in freya or h5?
  17. U're patetic? ah ok :(
  18. only the background? Chinaman (jaja) not fuck with me.
  19. Sell the full template (except the forum) for 10 € by paypal. http://i.imgur.com/L6CuC.jpg[/img] Send me a message or write me here.
  20. I no have photos but you can enter local view :) and I sell for 100 euros and has a few more things.
  21. if you get error, try putting them on hand. Theres no other solution.
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