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Everything posted by GOld3x

  1. I like it,but you could make that text better!
  2. Download this for buffs http://www.4shared.com/rar/NQwca24P/L2_Skill_Time_Creator_1.html
  3. I love the style BMW has!!
  4. i don't like the colors on sign but the rest are cool! Keep working on it!
  5. Anyway already shared by me~>http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240012.msg2171426#msg2171426
  6. Zake i see you looking this topic would you do something?
  7. JaharakaL you look like a hater,blaming Universe and agreeing for his demotion. I remember when everyone was blaming you and asking for your demotion you felt good?
  8. siriously? i don't even know this guy! *I think that you guys blame him just cause you don't have to do anything else!
  9. Νο. Member destroy the forum day by day,Everyone thinks that is a TROLLER thats why spam section has so many posts. Also i personally believe that when someone become moderator he try to do his best.(talking general) *The person who "report" Universe isn't even active on this forum anymore so Pls leave this!
  10. Who is speaking english? 99,9 of members are from greece thats why everyone speaks greek!! Actually i can not understant the point of this topic!
  11. Δεν σε νοιαζει ποιος θα κυβερναει ποιος θα γαμησει την ελλαδα και σε νοιαζει να φυγουν οι ξενοι? Οκ δεν εχω να σου απαντησω ας σου απαντησουν οι συμπατριωτες σου !!!
  12. κοιτα επειδη δεν εχω ορεξη να τσακωθω με κανεναν σημερα μαθε πρωτα τι ειναι φασισμος καιμετα μιλα.! Επειδη εσεις νομιζετε οτι αμα βγει η ΧΑ πρωτο κομμα θα διωξει τους ξενους κλπ Ναι θα το κανει αλλα μετα? εχει σκεφτει κανεις το μετα? Τι νομιζετε οτι θα πουν καναμε την δουλεια μας και θα φυγουμε τωρα? Αμα παρουν την εξουσια δεν θα την αφησουν και αφου Θα εχουν διωξει ΟΛΟΥΣ τους ξενους ποιος μενει? Α ναι οι Ελληνες!!! *Για αυτο σου λεω μαθε τι ειναι φασισμος και μετα ελα παιξε μου τον χρυσαυγητη! Οσο για σενα .... ΑΥΤΟΚΤΟΝΑ!
  13. Have you recently visit l2 vote sites? 99% of server are home hosted so thats why i'm talking about ddos. Ps. I dont say that there aren't Good protected servers bla bla YES THERE ARE Βut the majority of server nowdays are home hosted server! I don't know a shit about other clients except Ιnterlude(You can say i'm a interlude lover)Speaking generally you are right Interlude is dead. Even thought i don't know anything from other clients i prefer freya(personal opinion). L2 players are interested on Freya client. Τo sum up a high-stability Low Rate server would success if you Advertise it good. As for the gameplay it would be great ppl to choose features with a kind of poll on Server forum.
  14. LOL This guy http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=153009 Herehttp://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=201184.msg2563036;topicseen#msg2563036
  15. Τι pack εχεις? *Custom code θελει!
  16. ΝΑΙ ρε ζωαρα εσυ τους εφερες. ΟΤΑΝ ΕΣΕΙΣ ΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΑΡΕΣ ησασταν LARGE και ψαχνατε φθηνα εργατικα χερια φερνατε οποιον ναι. ΤΩρα βουλωνε αντε γιατι με νευριασες με τις μαλακιες!
  17. What pics? Its a source, a project what pic are you looking for?
  18. I prefer to not play a server rather than allow a virus come to my pc!
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