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Everything posted by GOld3x

  1. ακομα για αυτες τις μαλακιες μιλατε? Οβοβοβο :troll:
  2. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278343.0
  3. the buffer you passed didnt had a html file?
  4. You should have passed the html part already something like this. gameserver/data/html/default: <html><title>L][ Buffer</title> <body> <center> <br> <font color=660066>Welcome Player!<font> <br> <font color=660066>I Can Buff You!!<font> <br> <button value="Buffer V1.0" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9999_NPCBuffer" width=130 height=30 back="L2UI_CH3.refinegrade3_21" fore="L2UI_CH3.refinegrade3_21"> <br> <center> <img src="L2Font.mini_logo-k" width=180 height=100><br><br><br> </center> </body> </html>
  5. seems nice, how many ppl are you waiting for grand opening?
  6. send him many pms ... or just wait for him.
  7. 1)have you added "custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py" on scripts.cfg? 2)You reload custom_scripts?
  8. In the end of your script find this def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) CREATED=State('Start',QUEST) STARTED=State('Started',QUEST) COMPLETED=State('Completed',QUEST) QUEST.setInitialState(CREATED) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) and change it to: def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(State.STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId)
  9. have you tried to reload custom_scripts when you log in?
  10. sto interval vale (cmd~>press ipconfig~>find Ipv4 ip)
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278134.0 again :rage:
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278133.0 | http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278132.0 these should be on marketplace not there :rage:
  13. server can't handle more than 250 online .
  14. ααα ρε μαλακες δεν ξερετε να εκιματε τα ταλεντα....
  15. Reports: 1) 30 players on 25 are dominators (DOMI OP) 2)stun chance is high and keeps for 10sec? WTF 3)Custom robe armor has a problem as someone told me 4)yestarday i had 20 votes, today 0>? WTF
  16. you don't know a shit. Bmw low quality? Please get sirious!
  17. l2castrol with deferent name? *you added donates that give extra stats? pls :gtfo:
  18. then you dont know to play?????? maybe? Duelist hit for 2500 dmg and has 13 k hp and 7 k cp not bad!
  19. boost gladi? Are you really playing this server?
  20. σαν να σου λεει ελα βαραμε https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=428686813896112&set=a.110127345752062.14350.100002643927083&type=1&theater
  21. oxi ρε και μεις τι θα κανουμε χωρις πβπ σερβερ? :you serious?:
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