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Everything posted by Malzahax

  1. then none forced you to reply + didnt ask opinion if someone wants is welcome, thanks
  2. Hello i want to present you our upcoming project. L2 Black Pearl Interlude Rates: x1000 Safe: 3 Max : 15 Rate: 60% Normal Blessed: 80% Blessed (Farmable from Karik mobs) easy killed low chance Non Stuckable Lifestones only 1Active/Passive DM-Ctf Event Custom Zones: Forbitten Getaway- Adena/Blessed (PvP/no pk zone) Upper forbitten Getway - Adena/Materials for lifestones and book of giants Primeval Isle - PvP/Pk Zone Gludin - Adena/Materials Zone (Peacefull) Hero Skills can be applied with sub too. site is bought we wait for setup: www.l2-blackpearl.org just give us more suggestions
  3. Hello i need (free) an animated/or not | banner for a server size: 300x250 Related to l2 Text1: L2 Finest Custom PvP Server Text2: Unique Features, Save 7 Max 25 Text3: Many events and mods Join now! Text4: www.l2finest.org if someone can make it i will appreciate it
  4. just a noob that saw a config with name anti ddos and he is happy
  5. orly? Show me ddos protection on l2jfrozen and make a video to see that works...who is fail modafaka?
  6. ops i got pwned :D i need more practice its obvious
  7. if you say me how much zones are exist except peace zone i will fix my 1st code (mine still works )
  8. and yeah mr.smartass cuts the troll QQ Lord
  9. i was plying on a dps rene and is good aswell with even 1 bloodthirster instead of atmas
  10. take as example the code above and just add the acceslevel method
  11. yea i copied if (isDead () || isInvul blablabla and made it like this whats your problem and this is more faster than make all this for skills etc etc but not good cause is on pcinstance so what? If you are so pro share with him a patch instead to criticize my code
  12. Easy one find doCast and doAttack on pcinstance... on ADD_ZONE add your forbitten zones { if (isAio () || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE)) || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE)) || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE)) || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE)) activeChar.sendMessage("Aio cant cast skill outside towns"); return false; }
  13. Bump + started also a 2nd project based on faction, for further infos pm me
  14. ok i made a mistake is shaco so what? Are you a smartass?
  15. http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/471160-bigthumbnail.jpg shako How about a magic trick? Ghostly
  16. was playing the old one and was really cool i had much fun there you all should try it
  17. i got some different features from dav.. @xdunno 22-23 on not much but i keep the server also for low community also about patch crashes, then delete your systems and pass mine since is a clean one
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