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Everything posted by Malzahax

  1. o char einai full fighter apo skill +2str kai exi gia mage ena kolimeno stone sto anatharas kai ena empower se +35 stuff Screen coming soon
  2. http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=157.0 try some scripts k kopse ayto t ilithio ifaki kathe fora p leei kapios kati petagese me 1 xaxaa k t paizeis eksipnos..
  3. i want help can you solve me an error? Exception in thread "GeneralSTPool-5" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at java.util.Vector.elementData(Unknown Source) at java.util.Vector.get(Unknown Source) at com.proc.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance$3.run(L2PcInstance.java:6110) at com.proc.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager$RunnableWrapper.run(ThreadPoolManager.java:91) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  4. diavase ksana tn odigo pos kanoume compile ... t subeclipse ine gia n mporei n vriski t sistima tn svn, n tn diavazei k gia n mporeis n kaneis excract t files tis >.<
  5. simfono alla sto acis epd kanei refactor dn exei polla protection p.x t enchant script apo phx douleuei , mporei episis t uknownpackets script n t laggarei giayto kane ipomoni einai teleio pack alla dn ine etoimo akoma, an viazese pare lolfrozen
  6. files are from real finest so i had copyrights to use them i spoke with zappu so...
  7. actually is my first time open this type of server and really even with 10 people online i will keep this server yeah about community is true but guess, when you say bugs or suggestions just post them on da focking forum i cant read minds
  8. A lot of bugs/ Thats why we got forum Server sucks- accepted as opinion Community low- ok kadar is a fucking idiot cant make something to get hopezone GM is a kid - ok but can you provide some proofs?
  9. why i think that a method that when you are inAction on that skill exist? then i am really bored searching it but i am sure it exists and you can just add a code to doCast while you are stunned (care to add checks not to be with all skills like heal/etcetcetc)
  10. bump upgraded servers ram since community increased to 40-50 online now servers ram is 6gb + added a new GeoEngine.java and geodata
  11. an ine athinaia nai xilopita sta moutra alla mn koloseis faswse tin ston poutso s
  12. oxi o dikos tis estile mnm k tha s plakwsei mallon
  13. sorry i messed them up , you need if char is stuned also another debuff to land? then is aswell on xml the stacktype i think..
  14. ok so you want a skill TYPE CANCEL to be casted on stun targets? so go model/L2Skill.java open it and add a boolean (for example) public final boolean isStunned() { return getSkillType() == SkillType.CANCEL; return false; } delete on : public final boolean isPvpSkill() { switch(_skillType) { case DOT: case AGGREDUCE: case AGGDAMAGE: case AGGREDUCE_CHAR: case CONFUSE_MOB_ONLY: case BLEED: case CONFUSION: case POISON: case DEBUFF: case AGGDEBUFF: - case STUN: case ROOT: case FEAR: case SLEEP: case MDOT: case MANADAM: case MUTE: case WEAKNESS: case PARALYZE: case CANCEL: case MAGE_BANE: case WARRIOR_BANE: case FATALCOUNTER: case BETRAY: return true; default: return false; } } i am sure i made mistakes but i think it is based there just try it nothing to lose besides i am still learning
  15. give me the type of the skill and i will give you the code
  16. it wasnt mine i was just on staff idk maybe he ripped it my server is www.l2finest.org now i sold the machine (i am working on a hosting company) and i bought a dedicated machine and gave it to tryskell for acis project
  17. indeed :) it was somehow nice but ok
  18. i got informed from the owner that server closed he had 75 online costantly and after 5-6 days 9 ppl on so it was a waste of time.. he sold me the machine..
  19. DS-2 512 MB 25 GB 100% 15Mbps 11 Eur/mėn VDS-3 1024 MB 30 GB 100% 20Mbps 15 Eur/mon VDS-4 2048 MB 35 GB 200% 25Mbps 18 Eur/mon VDS-5 3068 MB 40 GB 300% 30Mbps 25 Eur/mon VDS-6 4096 MB 50 GB 400% 35Mbps 35 Eur/mon VDS-7 6144 MB 60 GB 500% 40Mbps 38 Eur/mon VDS-8 8192 MB 80 GB 600% 40Mbps 44 Eur/mon With server you get: ● Full server control, root access. ● 1 Free IP address. ● Option to use more than one IP. ● Server with dedicated resources. ● Server operating system - Linux/Windows both arevery stable and reliable. (No additional price for windows) ● Professional service and consultations. ● Option to backup files every day. Advantages: ● Our servers are running on Intel Xeon 8 core processors. ● Option to configure operating system by user needs. ● Technical server upgrade in the same machine. ● No proccesors limitation. ● Technical / Support is always on duty. If you are interested send me a pm with your name , mail.
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