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Everything posted by Malzahax

  1. your class? 6 farm zones and mobs are lvl 40 and doesnt drop smth only in farm 1 and there are patrols about 50x and if u want to buff u resists the buffer is buffing his self //failed deluxe ???????????????????????? Ressist are on armors i got 2 farm zones and all mobs are level 80 and 3rd is on pi Deluxe of what? maybe you logged on another server?
  2. armor penalty @wildrunner there are 15-20 ppl and doom servants are a bit difficult cause are dropping high value of materialis, forum exist to post suggestions
  3. bump server goes somehow good and stable
  4. Lineage ][ Finest presents a new age of Player vs Player Along the years Lineage II has become more and more popular between users of massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Lineage II Finest is planning to intensify this experience by creating a Player vs Player (PvP) game server, where users around the world can enjoy together with friends, meet new people, collect items, conquer castles and discover the deep secrets of Lineage II Finest world. Lineage II Finest has been created from a vision. The vision of bringing PvP to a higher level by adding custom items, improved skills and battle system. We had recently launched the new website adding more functionality and quality, giving our members more features and supportive content. Communication has been the number one priority where users and friends can communicate better, and support from Lineage II Finest team more effective using the Forums and the Chat. New to the world of Lineage ? There is nothing to worry about. Nobody has been borned knowing it all. We managed to add informational content and new features, introducing each one of you to battle techniques and in-game tips. We are applying continuous work for improving your experience on our server and we do our best that our community to be united and unique. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy together with us in our Lineage II world. Server Info: - Rates: 4.000x, Interlude. - Safe Enchant: +7, Max Enchant Weapon: +25 - Max Enchant Armor/Jewel: +25, Enchant rate Normal: 70% - Enchant rate Crystal: 65% (Doesn't break) - Customized Global Gatekeeper, item shop up to normal S grade, deluxe NPC Buffer , and Luxury Trader. - Custom weapons and armor sets (including all Kamael armors). - 5 new custom raidboss jewels. - Customized hair accessories that give a variety of bonuses. - Customized Tattoos each giving a different bonus. (including one Relic tattoo). - Your name color changes to a different color that depends of the PvPs you have. - No Grade Penalty, free teleports, fast SOE. - Edited Raidbosses gives players on this high rate challenges and rewards. - Auto TVT event system giving good rewards. - Goddard, Huntervillage and Gludin PVP zones. You also gain PvP points on arena-type grounds. - Customized dungeons: Cave of Trials and Forbbiden Gateway. - And of course, all the rest of the features of L2 work, such as Noblesses, - Heros, Olympiad, Clan skills, Enchant Skills, clan halls, work 100%. - Extra measures applied to rid of cheaters and exploiters. - And many many more -sided server changes on top of default to make this the best server! www.l2finest.org Previous poster was not the owner!
  5. bump someone asked me for a custom build of a pc. Specs are O.S: CentOS Proc: 1.75Ghz Ram: 6656MB HDD: 40 GB IPs: 1 Bandwitch: 300Gb VPS type 23 Eur VDS type 30 Eur (dedicated) so i dont remember who was the guy i hope he will check the topic
  6. www.serveroffer.lt vds isnt on main site and it costs a little more there
  7. So i just found a job on a hosting company and my current possition is to the sales department. So if you'd like to rent cheap , dynamic machines you can always take a look of our products. VDS-2 512 MB 25 GB 100% 15Mbps 11 Eur/mėn VDS-3 1024 MB 30 GB 100% 20Mbps 15 Eur/mon VDS-4 2048 MB 35 GB 200% 25Mbps 18 Eur/mon VDS-5 3068 MB 40 GB 300% 30Mbps 25 Eur/mon VDS-6 4096 MB 50 GB 400% 35Mbps 35 Eur/mon VDS-7 6144 MB 60 GB 500% 40Mbps 38 Eur/mon VDS-8 8192 MB 80 GB 600% 40Mbps 44 Eur/mon With server you get: ● Full server control, root access. ● 1 Free IP address. ● Option to use more than one IP. ● Server with dedicated resources. ● Server operating system - Linux/Windows both arevery stable and reliable. (No additional price for windows) ● Professional service and consultations. ● Option to backup files every day. Advantages: ● Our servers are running on Intel Xeon 8 core processors. ● Option to configure operating system by user needs. ● Technical server upgrade in the same machine. ● No proccesors limitation. ● Technical / Support is always on duty. If you are interested send me a pm with your name , mail. (Also if you don't trust me you can always speak to the responsible of company (Staff of all departments)
  8. http://l2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=Weapons.Detail&id=61 during pvp hp regeneration is 100% ok tr voulonis? When good magic is cast upon a target, increases Max MP, Max CP, Casting Spd, and MP regeneration rate. During PvP, HP regeneration is increased to 100% and enhances damage to target ama paizeis mono star wars server fisiko ine n mn t ksereis k dn krazw apla dn ine bug pes oti thes n t vgaleis n s dwsoume t fix oxi n mas apoklieis k n les oti leme malakies k krazoume
  9. gamimeni java players mpite se kanenan l2off n isiosi t mati sas retail ine ayto k ston official ginete tn theo sas dld k esi t nobless pos thes n t kanei an exei toso casting k full bugged? kamia ora? etsi n goustarei?
  10. me tn 2 gb exeis 100 mbps k sikoneis 200-300 atoma m swsto configueration dld ksexwristi db login/game s allo disko t mysql k loipa ... vale 10 parapanw k perneis 4 gb k ise gg
  11. no pote server4you mn t kaneis... www.giga-international.com i kaliteri k an thes episis www.serveroffer.lt
  12. psomas2 pm him egw exw kanei polla trade apo t paidi ine gamato k empisto
  13. events/boss * just explore a little more :)
  14. loled hehe just delete the material thinky... like steel,wood etc and will be ok
  15. thanks :) Forums up waiting topzone for activitation
  16. thanks :) Added coin of luck will be from vote rewards so be patient. It will prevent you to get easy Lifestones too
  17. you can have only 1 active/passive on your buffs so why not on list?
  18. www.l2-blackpearl.org Join now! Exp: 1000 SP : 1000 Adena: 5000 Safe +3 Max +15 No Customs (Just 2 tattoos , absolute +400 and Special Tattoo --Secret Stats) Zones: 2 Farm Spots Forbitten Gateway : No Safe Zone is PK/PVP/Farm Out side Elven Village: Protected Zone Special Boss area drops only lifestones Primeval Isle (1 Spot is only pvp zone) And on the hill you can farm Leveling Zone where you can xp your sub Buffer (26 slots) Pet buffer (Yes summoners can pvp) No stuckable Augmentations Starting Zone : Black Pearl Join now Patch link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7QGYPZR2
  19. Updated we changed starting zones added some custom features(no armors/weapons) We disable hero coin will be only for donates and much more give us suggestions
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