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  1. You are happy, players leave.
  2. where is the fun in that?
  3. The server is not bad. I like that it doesn't have any attribute system. The max subclass is 85 and no certification system. It reminds me of L2 Revolt.
  4. Thats the true and sad story! Thats why the L2 community is dead. And about the Gallion (Stone, Slark etc.) server is that I think he has a group of friends that join the server all the time, gives them free items to seem that people really donate so others donate like retards and after that the server closes. But the owner of this piece of shit server never gave a cent to advertise on maxcheaters, hes also banned on his original account, Sentiments. And oh YEA! This bumps his stupid topic about his shitty server. But it has a lot of bad advertisement here that people wont even bother to click on the site.
  5. There aren't many out there. Kids these days play only retail like servers without any custom thinking they prove they got skill (this game has some years and doing the same stuff all over again is a boring routine). I am waiting for l2 sublimity. But meanwhile I will try http://l2renaiscence.eu, its really custom.
  6. L2 Slark, L2 Stone, L2 Gallion the list goes on, server made by the same man with donations for items +25, when a normal player gets only +20. Server that lasts only one week. It is a waste of time!
  7. I will be there. Hoping you have good protection, a good economy between donations and farm gear (no shit like armor special for donator or bigger enchant). If the server will have 500 people it will be good for me and my friends.
  8. This looks great. 150+ RB I love that! When it will open?
  9. By farm I mean doing RB, even farming pvp points. You can do a currency for that, you just have to know or have the idea to know how to do it! Too bad I don't have DEV skills, but event so, I like to play not administrate a server :happyforever:
  10. Theres another way to make money from a server (even more than everyone makes) and thats not by making the ones who donate more overpowered than a farmer. And the server will last longer and have more people. Back in the day you could buy anything in donations list just by farming, you just have to know what to put in donations and what to make it hard to farm so a donator wont bother to farm for, just donate and try to buy it with that. Maybe I'm just "old school" lol.
  11. This right here proves the server is made for money. You're not the only one doing this shit. You can make a balance economy with proper donates, instead of making shitty players overpowered! This way the server would last longer, would get more people. More people more donations but for some people its really hard to think a way to do it properly, they are just like sheep. You just said to me in previews comments they can't use them. Funny
  12. You people are really retarded. I don't give a shit about Hi5 and non costom servers. I wrote there what I want stop posting useless crap here!
  13. And the movement bug? What classes you reworked? And what is all that shit about donators having 3-6 actives crap, is it true?
  14. I had this all day... And I see less and less people IG since I joined. About the vote system, I'd rather lose 2-3 players and gain 10 from the vote sites. You should do a pvp zone only for newbies with +20 gear, I think you can make that restriction so everyone else can grow and gear up and go rape some asses xD Daggers aren't fine, I don't have top gear right now (only +20 gear) but I only do 700-800 up to 1.3k and 3k crit but not so often on stabs when a archer has 20k hp lol (from experience daggers don't depend so much on gear thats my point). And a archer like a saggi has more than 30k p atk, he hits me for 3k-3.5k each critical.... But I will w8t for you to fix that bug and me to get +25 gear and I will see then how playable daggers are, if the server is still alive or I don't leave somewhere else (if you don't do the changes faster). For now they aren't 800-1k vs 3.5k thats a big lol!
  15. I told you already make a system that makes you always have to vote. For example people get full gear and they will stop voting. Making a system like a coin which you have for 12 hours, with whom you can take buffs. If you don't have that coin you can't take buffs, its simple. Make the self buffs from every buffer you can create for 5 mins so they need to take buffs from your buffer which they last for 3 hours (or how much you want). Remove vote coins from items (increase the amount of medals needed in this case), keep the vote coins for the special scrolls. Right now your NPC Vote is bugged, you can't vote for Topzone anymore too. Daggers do too low dmg for your p def system, I am sure you lowered the damage in skills, when you turn your back on a dagger you should be dead from max 4-5 blows. And I have to remind you that none of the custom accessories, tattoo and ring you have don't benefit daggers (I mean by that critical damage, daggers don't need p atk). A good thing is that Blinding Blow lasts for 50s, but you can't hit when you run after someone *yupeee*. I am not crying, but daggers are one of the best classes to play in a pvp server, too bad no one knows how to make a balance with them included. So daggers aren't quite fine, how you say they are :) Increase the drop rate from karma, because old people PK in farm zones newbies and they don't give a shit about karma because they don't drop. And I'd love seeing donators dropping their shits. I have many suggestions, I played for many years custom servers but I know how you people are and don't give a shit about others opinion and care only about the money. Your forum speaks for it self.
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