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Everything posted by McKain

  1. How many were on when the server opened?
  2. For l2dragonsoul.com How many people are estimated to be on?
  3. For l2dragonsoul.com How many people are estimated to be on?
  4. Why would you make a server that isn't English based? There is already a RU official-like server.
  5. Why would you make a server that isn't English based? There is already a RU official-like server.
  6. How do we know which feature is to which server?
  7. How do we know which feature is to which server?
  8. When is the exact date it opens? What is the projected population?
  9. When is the exact date it opens? What is the projected population?
  10. While testing beta I realized this has the best H5 files I have ever seen. It is true most quit after hero because it is one month but here the Heroes last 2 weeks giving everyone a chance :D Server looks promising ;) My crew and I will be there.
  11. Keep the NPC buffer. It looks really good :D
  12. When did it open? How many players are online? What is the server website?
  13. Server needs to be wiped.
  14. Bauim every 4 hours? Sounds a little crazy :S
  15. The announcement of Raids sounds stupid. Everything else sounds fine so far.
  16. bfdr.eu BFD:Eternal server information: Started time: Opening on 2012.03.01 18:00 (GMT+2) Rates: Experience: 10x SP: 10x Adena drop amount: 10x Item drop chance/amount: 10x Spoil chance/amount: 7x Sealstone drop: 3x Fishing: 3x Manor: 3x Quest drop rate: 5x Quest reward rate: 1x Hellbound rate: 5x Raid drop rate: 3x Raid jewelery drop: 1x Opened March 1st, 2012! BFD will not fail.
  17. L2net worked here. I used it. My friend used L2tower however :? Your protection sucks. It only works on little kids who don't know how to use a computer.
  18. McKain

    god [L2DC] BFDR

    Low rate = No NPC buffers or GM shop. It doesn't account for the amount of experience you get, Blue. Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a child?
  19. McKain

    god [L2DC] BFDR

    If you plan to update to GoD then people would rather play retail. This isn't a mid rate either. Just keep it to H5.
  20. Why would you post a High Rate on a Low Rate request forum? GET OUT.
  21. nevermind.. I just ready something about a destruction scroll affter tready that there will be no customs? haha fail.
  22. MiniPixy, ar eyou still going to make the server? I know people that would like to play a low rate H5 server. The onyl thign is you will need to advertise your server really well, unlike most. SO post in Hopzeon as well. No GM buffers. No Mana Pots. No free class changes/Sub/Noble. Do not limit dual boxing. Have TvT :D 5-10xp rate to keep players playing imo add me on skype: Derrick James McKain, San Jose, California
  23. When does it come out? Need more information, as well, please.
  24. When does it come out?
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