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Everything posted by mandark

  1. do you accept 15$?
  2. nice ... i play there too ... on kain :P good community
  3. nvm i quit :)
  4. SOLD for 93 euro... best wishes
  5. i`m zqular and i have the wt before kataramenos because he offered me 80 euro for the +14 wt but i wanted to do it 16 ... just a dream :D
  6. ok i explained 10 times but it seems you can not understand... i logged OUT OF GAME ! then i found out that fucking ghost mode is blocking my resurection so i heard that i need a dumy script ... and i cant log IN GAME ! with l2net thats why i need someone to do it for me...it works perfect for oog but not even with your system doesnt work IG
  7. better way for high rate servers...just change betwen subclases...
  8. nop ... there are 4 guys ... in this order... mysweet sato zqular and kataramenos you can guess who i am ... and for aster : log in game ...ask someone of this above with wt +16 the real price of a wt +16 in adena and convert it to donation page
  9. I CANT LOG IN !!! i told you3 times... and i want to do that because if the bot dies he doesnt RESURECT !!!
  10. Hy I would like to sell one wizard tear +16 ( ~ 500 - 600 $ on donation page ) You can check the donation page in here for prices : http://www.infinitel2.com My price is only 100 euro If anyone is interested send me an email to mandark_dibke@yahoo.com or rebegila.irina@gmail.com and i`ll send you some screens with the weapon. The trade is simple : i accept paypal because the buyer has protection meaning that if you dont recive the weapon you can report me and you`ll get the money back so its 100% secure
  11. when you are in game hit alt +b ( comunity board) and there is at favorites the table with scores and stats... on right ... the lowest "TRUE" it sais before it (ghost mode)
  12. can you plz make a dumy script for me that cancels the ghost mode... cause i want to use it for my healer in oog the script must hit alt+b then click on true to make it false
  13. you have any autocrontrol cracked ? cause i have one but it quits after 5 min...
  14. i have some problems with party healing ... i set it corectly but it doesnt work...
  15. can you post a new tutorial for newest version of lineage...lineage gracia 1 2
  16. i`m tryng to use it on infinitel2.com it works for oog but i need to get it done for ig cause i have to use dumy mode to cancel the ghost mode but after editing my l2.ini the login gets stucked on "please wait a moment" screen anyone know what seems to be the problem?
  17. Wts around 30.000 adena ... This Worth 200$ if you buy from the website My Price IS 50$ ONLY !! Y!M: mandark_dibke@yahoo.com Web: http://www.infinitel2.com/ Donation Page : http://www.infinitel2.com/donateitems.php ( to check the price )
  18. sold for 100
  19. its +5 now ...it worth 350$ but my price is still 50$
  20. still for sale !
  21. Wts Shyeed bow focus +4 ( worth like 45-50.000 adena = 250$ if you buy from the site homepage ) My price is 50$ . Site : www.infinitel2.com Contact: Ym: mandark_dibke
  22. 100% kamael ? hahaha :)) there are few kamael skills that are working...
  23. gj :X i`ll sell some accounts to my friends :))
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