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Everything posted by mandark

  1. lol i cant see the exploit but from what i see in the screen...gj :P if you can dupe items then you`re a good cheater :))
  2. i tried to connect but i cant...it sais "conneting" and i wait for 10 min but nothing and is not from my antivirus now i`m making a full scan again
  3. gj i think i`ll try ...but i`m wondering if there are at least 100 ppl to play?
  4. and does this program work as hlapex do ?? i mean can you become hero or things like that with this program ???
  5. k ty i`ll try this one too
  6. show us some guids... plz i dont understand russian
  7. can you tell us how to use it plz ? :)
  8. Allright guys this is my second exploit. First of all i cant tell you that this is quite an exploit... is just a thing i use to make fast adena in all servers :P here it comes: As i said is a trade exploit so let`s say you got one peril +5 and one peril +0 and you have a client for your peril +5 ... now you trade him : put the peril +5 in trade so he can see it ; now he puts what you need in his trade slots then when he click on ok you do cancel ...and tipe things like "wtf dont cancel it " then you trade again : you put your peril +5 and he puts his things again then you cancel like the first time and you tipe one more message like " m8 plz dont do that again " and the third time you put the peril +0 and he puts his offer again. Now you click ok fast and because he got used with your +5 peril he wount check it and he will also click ok. As i said is not quite an exploit is just for bastards :) it works with like 35% chance of success PS: SPAM SOME posts for me :)
  9. m8 not this...i was thinking about a patch that shows exactly what a mob drops i mean not the chances to drop something ...
  10. ty usefull topic
  11. ty !!! i really need that
  12. ty v much i couldnt find a mana script so far :P
  13. gj ty v much
  14. i dont care if he just copy-paste... for some newbish ppl i find it very usefull
  15. gl with your project but i think when the new version of l2 with kamael comes...all will try the new race
  16. i think you didnt understand how it works fixious
  17. plz lock the topic ^^
  18. it works just on SOME!! l2j c4 servers and as you know is preety noobish to have an l2j c4 server because the off files were stollen
  19. antharas has just 9000 p atack and 400k hp ...c`mon you cant kill him with reflect
  20. ask nitrous he has it ...if you read all topics you can find nice things
  21. it will be the biggest exploit ever ;P but we need some real brains to make it ^^
  22. this caracther is AWSOME I cant WAIT TO PLAY IT
  23. wow m8 ty...i wish it helps because i got huge lag :)
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