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Everything posted by Ezvra

  1. Sold, topic can be closed.
  2. I am sorry, I've modified first post, I just made that screenshot, if you want more or something specific ask for it and I'll upload it. Hope everything is correct now.
  3. I sell my account cause am tired to play, acc has 8 rune pages, 42 skins, almost all champions (darius, malhazar and rumble missing) Silver on last season, right now Gold V with 0 points, 364 RP and 8585 IP I want 50€ or offer. Skype: gimme_1_more_cookie_plz paypal only. Screen here, just tapped the name cause I don't think its necessary.
  4. Looking for some H5 pack oriented to mid rate- pvp server or high rate-pvp server. Test server available is a must! skype: gimme_1_more_cookie_plz if the pack deserves it, there is no budge problem.
  5. As tittle says, buying effective bot for EU lineage 2 servers (core/hunter). Send pm with offers and aviable demo. Save your "it doesn't exist" comments or any other kind of spam. Thank you.
  6. Trade was made inside this forum, also I added Romeo and WingChun to do similar trades, I have them on skype. EDIT: Seems people who has the power to do the change in this forum like keep some prestige and stop letting this to fill of scammers/liers don't want to react. Sad.
  7. here, i've blocked paradox from skype so unfortunately I cannot show skype chat, but as I told you I can show via TV the files.
  8. I am no bot, and am preparing proofs, paypal transaction, source screenshot, just wait.
  9. I can confirm this. All data inside says "FandC.ro", can show files via TV.
  10. Does it works with zRanger? I'll pay anything if so...
  11. Trusted seller, nice pack, good features, also well built base.
  12. Update 08-07-2011 by Ezvra » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:37 am Changes: - Packet broadcaster added. - Tully Workshop upgrade. - CP and MP damage does not send any damage system msg. - Aggression must now have static reuse time. - Added missing effect for enchant route in bleed. - Cancel skills now lands on invul characters. - Fix on pet stats calculation. - Added quest "Lost And Found". - Fix for not visible pet level after evolve. - Fix for PCInstance: if character is sitdown and fear it must stand up and run. - Core support for "Shield of Faith" skill_effect (now party received damage is transfer to tank) - Friendly signet skills do not buff mobs/boss (bubble skills) - Disallowed "Touch of Death" on non-flagged characters. - Fix for summon cast on TW - Prepared drop for chests (not available yet) - Correction on triggers for p_trigger_skill by damage. - Condition Target of Opportunity fix. - Correct respawn time for Soul Crystal Pillar. - Curse of Divinity fix. - Fix for "Warp" on "Root" state. - Correction in pole damage. - Block Friend_Invite in olympiad match. - Attack is disabled on Horse. - Drain skill cannot be blocked by shield. - Changes in Hero system (now heroes must ask for hero status on the monument of heroes) - Challenge for Fate fix. - Fix on Dragon Valley Scouts script. - Only HP is restored on revive to 65%. - Olympiad daily quests fix. - Fix for "stuck" after root if your target leave attack range. - Fix Den Of Evil quest script.
  13. Changes: 22-6-2011 - Seal of limit fix. - Improved Condition, Magic, Movement, Shield defense skills value correction. - Mystic Immunity and Heroic berserk fix, now they work as retail. - Duals are not required for Defense Motion. - Decreased lethal chance in dual blow (retail formula). - Fix for great wolf/fenrir skill levels. - Chain heal update, now has ranged to target 900 and range of heal in target 300 (retail like) - Mass gloom does not need anymore summon in target. - High Five Noblesse Blessing change. - More retail-like formula for accuracy/evasion calculations. - Nevit's Advent. - Hunting bonus system. - Saving buffs for pets and noblesse support. - Olympiad matching fix: The previous system in which opponents were selected randomly has been changed to a system in which opponents with similar Olympiad points are matched first. - And many smaller fixes. You are still on time to join and be the best^^
  14. New update on wednesday with hunting bonus implementation, join us and try it!
  15. Agree on deleting topic, but there aren't bugs on skill enchant, you should learn skill to maximum level before try to enchant it. pro comment.
  16. We have open our TS3 server if you wish to talk with clan members or random people. 3 days until launch, come and test what ever you want while you can!
  17. http://www.l2infliction.com/ x7 rates, retail like (as most possible) 99% H5, curently in OPEN BETA until June the 10th. We have best geo. Come and check it out!
  18. http://www.l2infliction.com/ x7 rates, still in beta, launch on June the 10th.
  19. You can also try http://www.l2infliction.com/ We are in BETA right now, server opening is on June the 10th, meanwhile you can join and test whatever you want, class, quests, etc. Almost all works! Just come and take a look, you wont regret. Ezvra
  20. Am intrested, but I have a question: Can you spread that "Home" tab info between the other tabs ? for example If I want in favorite tab "Online gamemasters, statistics, etc" Can you do it into Community server ? Thanks.
  21. Hello everyone! We are ready to show up our proyect to public, new high five lineage 2 international private server, we want to offer you things you don't know from any other server you've been before, be ready to have an unequal gameplay experience, performance, never seen features and many others you didn't know how did they had to work! We want you to join and check with your own eyes the quality of our server, explore the game, practise teamplay, create a clan, an alliance, forge your blades, and of course, forge your destiny! We are now in BETA, but you can find us at http://www.l2infliction.com/ Also you can register in our forum and start the fight at http://l2infliction.com/boards/index.php L2 Infliction Staff Members: Ezvra - Owner & Administrator Developer: [DEV] JIV, Eva Game Masters:[GM] Oden, Ezvra Forum Moderators: [Mod] BlackSwan, Oden, Пионер Server Rates EXP: 7x Amount. PARTY EXP: 1.3x Amount. SP: 7x Amount. Adena: 7x Amount. Spoil: 7x Amount. Drop: 7x Amount. Raid boss drop: 7x Chance, 1x Amount. Epic Jewels drop: 1x. Quest: 5x Amount. Manor: 3x Amount. Server Features Java emulated server (we are not L2jServer) 24 buff bar slots (20 standard slots plus 4 unlockable slots.) 3rd class skills working. Clan skills working. 7 Signs Epic quest until number 10 (11 & 12 in development) High Five talisman system. Level 5 clan quest and Nobility quest updated to High Five. High Five mob stats and drop. Olympiad system updated to High Five. Hellbound "retail like" High Five skills working. Balanced PvP skills. Party experience system updated to High Five. Territorial War system and quests. Daily olympiad quests. Seed of destruction stage 1,2,3,4,5. Seed of infinity stage 1&2. Hero weapons updated to High Five. Zaken raid instanced. Auction system enabled. Stablished store and no-store zones in main cities. Automatic reward by X votes system. High Five new zones and new mobs. Luxury shop with A grade low armor. Luxury shop with A grade high weapons. Mail system. 3 account limit per IP (see forum for details). 99.9% uptime. Weekly maintenance. Daily backups. And much more... Join and find out! For any question you may have, I mean it, you can ask in this thread, or send it via PM, i'll be watching and updating every day. OPEN BETA STARTS AT MAY THE 25TH, June 10th SERVER WILL BECOME LIVE!
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