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  1. +1 verry nice thx
  2. i need the newest system l2 god pls help me or system protocol 415
  3. Thanks your share
  4. npc then it is a symbol out of the game. How to Fix a system or server. Server 8778 how to fix this thx
  5. # IP on which gameserver binding, * - for all possible GameserverHostname = <----------To change the ip no-ip or this or that. GameserverPort = 7778 # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname = * <----------------------To change the ip no-ip or this or that. # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname = * <---------------------To change the ip no-ip or this or that. # Address \ port loginserver LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = <-----------To change the ip no-ip or this or that. LoginUseCrypt = True ----------To change the ip no-ip or this or that. or a change in the host-only. thx I'm not good in English.
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