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Everything posted by Georgesp

  1. Trusted and fast. I recommend him :D
  2. τι specs εχει το pc σου? free bump
  3. Monsters are so hard to kill that every zone is a party zone. No solo farm zones and that is not only my opinion but other's opinion as well on server, as they agreed with me. You need to make mobs way weaker or add a statt's Mask or something. Regards
  4. I have 2 Platinum V accounts for sale , not e mail included. Pm me if interested for more info.
  5. Hello everyone. I am here to sell an account of mine. It is Platinum v on EUNE server , never banned, reg mail not inculded although its original. It has 1 ap 1 ad rune page , only elise victorious skin and legendary kog maw. It has also around 30 champions , most of them 450 ,1350 IP. It has Gold season 3 rewards , and less than 100 ranked games overall, with nice mmr. As a Payment method i accept PayPal. For any questions or anything feel free to message me or add me in skype : Akhkharus . PS: My price ratio is around 40+
  6. Name: MistMu Website: http://mistmu.info Version Season 2[FULL] PVP BALANCE Castle Siege Server Quest System(lorencia 130 144) Reset System(NPC)(lorencia 141 121) Reset only from game! Point's per reset: 3,500 Level reset: 400 Hero System VIP System 380 level system Chaos Card Master Excellent items in Shop's Character Balance Yellow options work 100% Jewel of Harmony = 100% Jewel Of Guardian = 100% Commands: /str - max 200 /agi - max 200 /vit - max 200 /ene - max 200 /cmd - max 200(only darklord) /post - global message /exit - force exit /pkclear - clear PK(need to swich character) /time - time and date /web - website
  7. sto aion den uparxei kalutero class apla prepei na ma8eis na pezeis to ka8e ena
  8. if u take in account that an ely reads "noob" as "eoox" i think that thoose letters are a bit wrong :P
  9. Aman xilia edit to ekana me tis erotiseis m XD.Xilia signomi gia ta polla edit ok to dokimasa se enan filo m kai egine.Fenete oti dn to poli pisteuoun otan to kanoun download :P euxaristo gia to programa
  10. The run button is the thunder button
  11. an 8es ksekina me templar dn einai toso poliplokos
  12. dn prp na einai i elder me tpt
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