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Everything posted by dimitris178

  1. you will move on rpg gracia final server or in h5?
  2. sorry dude but this guy have right. is more than a month from the first time i seen that topic. and till now we dont have even a release date.! i still w8ing for this server only because there is no other major project out there. But seriously i get tired and bored. :D
  3. anyway.! me i will be up to play in suchserver but only if it developed by ncsoft.! that is the mainreason actually that i am still looking the official forums :)
  4. ah....i am so f@cking excited about that server..! i cant wait to play there...! make faster the nessesery changes to complete the project pls :D
  5. when it's going to be live....i remember before a month that topic.! :D
  6. well....i think isn't necessary to give a documend answer on that. I am still laughting.... :) one thing i will say.! the servers...isn't high rate...they are low rate.! :D
  7. +11111 dude maybe you are probably from russia or at lestyou know russian language. So tell me what is the point to playing in server with full russian community? how can a international english speaking player survive there? yes i prefer a billion times to play in server with 95 % pve and 0% pvp than to play in server where i will spend all my f@cking time to translate the f@cking russian chat.! Because the awesome Gm team of this best "international" (as they call this shit.!) server they making all the time low rate servers...were you cant farm without having a party.! So i advice all the international speaking players to dont try it..! (if you dont know at lest the basic russian words ) is a waste of time.. i tried this server twice and i will not long again there...but i will not stop flamming them in that forum till the gm team realize that is not point to advertise it in international forums.
  8. well miss, is so easy to make fun of these things But remember that it appeals to a completely Anglophone community. so that, from when you decide to create an international server you must at lest RESPECT the no-russian players. as you saw the previous server failed to hold their anglophone players. did you wondered why this happened? I GUESS YES.! the player didn't left the server because has some bugs or other problems...the most of us left due to this problem. So at lest dont be sarcastic with me.! and get serious in mind that i am saying. because your server will fail again to hold us.! We understand that the Russians do not know English but you have to impose them to learn at least the basics , as not to create confusion in global/trade/party matching chat. unless you want us only to make some donates...to give some real money in your gm stuff...until we give up the server.. and i give +1 to friend kavvadi. I admit that is a very good solution to note.!
  9. wow and the server will have the great international community like the x7 right? :D i can't wait to play in server with full russian community..!!!! :)
  10. ah search in private server channel you will see a million interlude servers :D
  11. hi, I want to sell my acount in official chronos server for money or to trade it for items in averia.ws x7 INFORMATIONS ABOUT MY CHAR : Yul archer saggi 95 lvl and 67 % 1 subclass 66 lvl (temple knight) Noblesse status some skills enchanted +10 and more in lvl 11 clan with full clan skills GEAR INFORMATIONS : Bound Seraph leather set (95 lvl top gear) +16 with full lvl4 element x3 ressist each part Standar Specter thrower (R95) damage up +4 with 300 Holy ele Full R95 Seraph jewels Frintezza Necklase +5 Power Shirts 300 million adena Immortal belt Lv1 Legendary STR symbol Apocalypce thrower (r90) damage up with 150 water ele Twilight leather helmet +3 with full lvl 4 x3 ressist Twilight leather gloves +3 with full lvl 4 x3 ressist 2 twilight earrings 1 twilight necklase Some other items for craft
  12. you can start telling on announcments to speak all in english...you can make not available to russian peoples to right in that language. You will tell me that you can't do it because they dont know english. ok i respect it. But...me i am from greece....but i cant type and write something in global chat if i use my countries letters.. why you left it happen?You think that all the peoples of my country they know english? Well the thing that i want to say is to try make the server playable for the unrussian peoples...you did a lot things for that and i admire it...but you must do a lot more
  13. well I am not telling for that announcments I am talking about the randoms ones that explaining ddos attacks and etc...maybe I will upload photo tomorow to see what I am saying
  14. well....maybe i will be bad again :P This server is really awesome but i cant understand why the announcments still be in russian...are you going to make internatioanl or russian server dude?
  15. how much ppls have online now?
  16. why the anouncments is in russian?
  17. Well i have to say that this server is going to be awesome. But i am so dissapointed because is going to be in russia. Well is true all the european and the english speaking server is failling.Is very bad this because we dont have a serious server to play. All the good projects like the rpg-club and others is located in russia. this brings a lot problems to english speaking players. so i wonna ask the admin something. As i interstand he want to make an INTERNATIONAL server. Can you tell me what you have on your mind to do about the shouts/trade that all the ppls will speak in russian? you mind to give some punishments on that or you will leave it like this? Is really pain for us to try to think what the ppls wonna said in shouts. is really so difficult..and makes the server unfriendly for us..even it has the best packs and the best community there...
  18. yes is going to be a great server
  19. hi, I want to trade my acount on lineage 2 official chronos server for acount in lineage2dex.com wrath server... INFORMATIONS ABOUT MY CHAR : Yul archer saggi 95 lvl and 67 % 1 subclass 66 lvl (temple knight) Noblesse status some skills enchanted +10 and more in lvl 11 clan with full clan skills GEAR INFORMATIONS : Bound Seraph leather set (95 lvl top gear) +16 with full lvl4 element x3 ressist each part Standar Specter thrower (R95) damage up +4 with 300 Holy ele Full R95 Seraph jewels Frintezza Necklase +5 Power Shirts 300 million adena Immortal belt Lv1 Legendary STR symbol Apocalypce thrower (r90) damage up with 150 water ele Twilight leather helmet +3 with full lvl 4 x3 ressist Twilight leather gloves +3 with full lvl 4 x3 ressist 2 twilight earrings 1 twilight necklase Some other items for craft I WANT TO TRADE ALL THIS ACOUNT FOR ACOUNT IN LINEAGE2DEX.COM WRATH X5 HF SERVER..: MINIMUM REQUIREMENT : i need the char at lest lvl 84 with vesper noble set armor lvl 4 full ressist x3 vesper wep with sa and 150 ele nobless char with 3 subclass lvl 75 dynasty or vesper jewels set All classes are welcome except support classes like (sd,swm,se,cardi,dc,wc) pm me here
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