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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. Dude what justice tries to explain you, is that we are not responsible for the conversations you have outside of the forum.
  2. Well as we know he wants to install the new theme first ...but new theme as wrd says...... Soon.
  3. Την πρώτη φορά θα στα φάει.Εγώ που έχω βάλει στην Πειραιώς δεν μου τρώει τίποτα.
  4. FinalGod


    I have listened to this.
  5. Well it still lacks of effects.Your focal is empty. Render is kind if unblended.I'm not a fan of the style that text cover the whole tag.Well I might like it if it was well blended.
  6. You're reporting a ,6 month topic. And the reply you're reporting ain't spam.It's just an expression with meme
  7. Plz dude. Next time check what you're reporting.
  8. Και τα αρχιδια μας κουνιούνται. Dat.
  9. Spam replies deleted. Keep it clean guys.
  10. Look let's not turn it into personal again.If I was a hater I would have dekarmed you but I'll let this ti the head staff.You can convince them dunno. I was just reading the whole posts when I noticed devlin laughing at his karma. You were both wrong now.
  11. Αν το έπαιζα γλομπαλ θα είχες φάει δεκαρμα από εμένα.......Αλλά το άφησα αλλού το θέμα και ας κάνουν ότι θέλουν.
  12. Rules are rules.Still remember Raule smiting people that were posting in RO spam topic. If u wanted to welcome him you could easily have pmed him.
  13. Matthew was right in any case here.Have you read the rules of the topic? Although regarding to the new rule that justice enabled before some days about spam area your karma is fixed now and Matthew is reported to the head staff.
  14. Τους κανόνες τους διάβασες;
  15. Second poll locked. About the real owner how can I know which should be opened?
  16. Το τραγούδι αυτό ακούστηκε πρώτη φορά φέτος στην Πάτρα που ήρθε ο Χατζηγιάννης με τον μηδενιστη. Πρώτη φορά σε live κοινό έτσι είπε ο μηδενιστης
  17. Again worng.You colors should be soft and you're using hard.
  18. Too empty and the effects aint that good. Also bad text placement.
  19. Που είναι το ειρηνακι;
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