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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. http://www.proteinco.com/Muscle-Gain-Supplement/
  2. Κάνω ρε απλά έχω μπει σε εντατικό πρόγραμμα προπόνησης και είναι λίγο μανίκι η αντοχή.Κάνω πολλές ώρες γυμναστική την μέρα...... Είναι αρχιδιλίκι να πάρω εφεδρίνη
  3. Οπότε ούτε πριν;
  4. Ναι αυτό.Δηλαδή απλά στην γεύση διαφέρει;Τπτ άλλο; Ας πούμε το πράσινο σ δίνει παραπάνω πρωτεΐνη,Το μπλε λιγότερες θερμίδες......
  5. ++++ BTW αυτή η μαλακία το ripper τι διαφορετικό (και καλά) έχει;
  6. Why not?I dont want to ruin your services but since it is shared why should this stay opened?
  7. You must be kidding me right?+1 karma for what?Ok i have to admit that his thought was awesome but there are some negative things on this which i will post once i talked with the whole head staff. He just expressed an opinion. No problem at all with the author but karma fixed.
  8. Fractals are not to be placed in an extract place.If they are well blended there is no problem at all.
  9. Πιο λογικό από βότκα
  10. Τι βότκα ρε πρωί πρωί;Και μετά από προπόνηση; Μονστερ.Και μια χαρά πίνεται.
  11. Πέος. Ήπια ένα Absolute μετά το γυμναστήριο.
  12. Not bad at all.I could sticky this and update the rules with this but i have talked with wrd and he will talk with the head staff.We have to take a decision together.
  13. Why shall we ban him?We are responsible for MxC forum.Everything out of this forum is not our job.
  14. You will rewrok the pack?I didn't know that u are aware of such stuff. GL with your sales.
  15. I am really happy with.Your attitude after your ban has been changed a lot. Now why do you want to -beep- this feeling?Just think with your brain? How can a gaming mod having privs at non gaming areas?I am that board's moderator... Gfx mods expect gfx zones moderating web design and hosting marketplace and websites free,monetizing area and web hosting previews. So I was the one who cleared his topic but I was not aware of the whole situation. We have enough proofs against you and since globals decided for ban I guess this won't be changed.
  16. (sry,fanky for the unlock) Since when posting our opinions is called spam?)
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