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Everything posted by JonhRlz

  1. WTS Items on L2toxic x50 Gracia Final - Weapons +16| +17 | +18 - Full Chars mage with all FS all skills +30 - 3 epic sets - 5 Vesper Robe sets +6 - 2 weapons Vesper +10 - 2 weapons Vesper +8 and many many more Price is 250 euro for all the Items - PayPal
  2. 3k cols in Stock - send me your offer
  3. WTB Baium ++++++ WTB Elegia Light +++++++ WTB Top Weapon +16 Bow Pm me here
  4. Did you get unban with that program on L2Toxic
  5. Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers
  6. Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers
  7. Melinusam = Scammer
  8. FCK Scammer = Melinusam
  9. I want to buy Adena Cols Epic (Baium / Zaken / Antharas / AQ) Set Armor Dyna ++++++ Weapon Dyna +++++++ Vesper if some1 sell
  10. Hi, how can we make transation. Show me ss from the set Paypal adres on priv msg pls
  11. Best Seller EVER !! 100% Trust
  12. trusted 100%
  13. WTS Char with out gear - clean Titan (lvl 85) Subs: Bounty Hunter (lvl 85)=Warrior Haste, Swordsinger=Barrier, Paladin=Knight Defense. Skill Enchantment pvp: Fatal Strike +30 Hammer Crush +30 Crush of Doom +30 Armor Crush +15 Zealot +30 Rage +30 Battle Roar +30 Braveheart +12 Vicious Stance +10 Fortidude +10 Parry Stance +10 War Frenzy +13 Passive Skills: Heavy Armor Mastery +13 Two-Handed Weapon Mastery +13 Toughness +20 Boost HP +13 Fast HP Recovery +13 Wisdom +15 Master of Combat +15 = Noblesse Character Olf´s Shirt +4
  14. Titan 85 lvl , all sub class, nobless, Olf Shirt +4, Skill 20 and most 30 To that char i can offer Vorpal Hvy set +6 120 att Pm me with offers
  15. Best seller in MxC !!! Trusted 100%
  16. best seller 100% trust
  17. The trick was with trade on NPC i aden to exchange atr stone and crystals. I dont now how they did it but its true that this bug work
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