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About zetsuei2

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Totaly agree ; My CP will be off in some days.
  2. Well, better than a screenshot, here what's i'm talking about: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/132197-re-sharekamael-skin-for-interlude/ I don't mind the old menus and stuff, but the interface textures is ugly... But now The font make me want to burn my own eyes. EDIT: Here is what I want to change: I would like to have the same "font" on the right. Left is my Interlude client ; Right is h5. You can clearly see that interlude is just ugly.
  3. Hello everyone. As I'm going to play from official grand crusade to interlude.. Damn this client is ugly as fuck. I was able to change everything to look like CT1 ; The textures i mean, my client is really looking good... Excepting the font. Interlude font is ugly... Do you know any ways to have a clean one ? Did search alot again, can't find anything at all this time !
  4. Hello everyone ; I am in need of a hellbound+ ( even lineage 2 classic if you have it ) interface for interlude. I did alot of research in the forum ; Either the link are dead or don't fit my demand. I want the interface to have at least the texture of the recent one. It don't need to have alot of thing but just.. being good looking. I really did search for one hour and read at least 20 pages on the client developement section. Please help me. EDIT: FOUND IT. search "kamael skin for interlude" on forum. Requesting lock.
  5. http://www.l2skirmish.com
  6. Thanks. Actually playing on http://www.l2skirmish.com/ since interlude-online is full russian. :)
  7. Hi guys, I'm looking for a FULL pvp server like was FreePvP and Infinite L2 *tears* in the good old time... Any clue ? I'm fine about every chronicle but I'll be kind of bored to play Interlude due to the lake of gameplay and skill required. Just starting Lineage 2 again and I can't play 18/24 anymore like I was used to do on official or low rates server. Thanks in advance.
  8. Account sold.
  9. Hello, i sell an ACC plat 5 with a rly nice mmr ( 1884 LKS ) season 2 gold. All champion exept Aatrox , Draven , Fiora , Hecarim , Nami , Quinn , Thresh , Zac , Zed. 17 runes pages near all runes 83 Skins ! With 6 Collectors ! Ahri : own 3 skins Akali : Stinger akali , crimson akali , nurse akali et ALL STARS AKALI (collector) Alistar : Matador alistar , Infernal alistar Anivia : hextech anivia Annie : Goth , Frostfire, frankentibber(collector) Ashe : Freljord Brand : Cryocore Caitlyn : Officer Cassiopeia : Siren Corki : Urfrider Ezreal : Tpa Ezreal Galio : hextech Gangplank: Toysoldier Gragas: Gentleman Heimerdinger: Blast zone heimerdinger, Snowmerdinger (COLLECTOR) Irelia: Aviator Janna : Tempest, Frost queen, Victorious Karma : Sun godess Karthus: Grim reaper Kassadin: Pre void Kayle: Judgement Kennen: Artict ops Kog'maw: Lion Dance Leblanc: Mistletoe Lee sin : Acolyte , muay thai , dragon fist Leona: Valkyrie Maokai : Festive Morgana : blade mistress Nasus : Riot K-9 Nidalee: French Maid, Bewitching ( COLLECTOR) Nocturne: Frozen terror , haunting (Collector) Olaf: Brolaf Orianna: Gothic , Bladecraft Riven : Crimson Elite Ryze : Dark crystal Shaco : Asylim Shyvana : Darkflame + Ironscale Sivir : Bandit + Pax(COLLECTOR) Skarner: Earthrune Sona : Muse + Pentakill + Guqin + Arcade Soraka : Divine Syndra : Justicar Talon : Crimson Elite + Dragonblade Taric : Bloodstone Teemo : Panda Tristana : Firefighter Tryndamere : Viking + DemonBlade Twisted Fate : Jack of hearts + High noon Udyr : Primal Vayne : Aristocrat + Heartseeker Veigar : White mage Viktor : Fullmachine + Prototype warwick: Firefang Wukong: Jade Dragon Xerath : Runeborn + Battlecast Zilean: Groovy I sell it with ebay ( easier for me.. ) : http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221247913740&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_1450wt_1398 http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/26/1372601670-sans-titre-4.jpg[/img] GL HF On LoL ! pm me if you wan some infos about this account ! :)
  10. bump + 20 hours left o/
  11. Hello, i sell an ACC diamond 1 + challenger 5x5, Diamond at season 2. All champion exept Nami and fiora, 14 runes pages 63 Skins : Ahri => Midnight Ahri Akali => Crimson Akali Amumu => Sad Robot amumu Annie => Reverse Annie Ashe => Queen Ashe + Amethyst Ashe Caitlyn => Safari Caitlyn + Officer Caitlyn Cassiopeia => Desperada Cassiopeia Cho'Gath => Jurassic Cho'Gath Corki => Hot Rod Corki + Urfrider corki Evelynn => Tango Evelynn Ezreal => Frosted Ezreal + PULSEFIRE EZREAL Fiddlestick => Surprise Party Fiddlestick Gangplank => Spooky gangplank Gragas => Hillbilly Gragas Irelia => Nightblade Irelia + FrostBlade Irelia Janna => Victorious janna Jarvan IV => Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV + Victorious Jarvan IV Jax => Vandal Jax Katarina => Bilgewater Katarina Kayle => Judgment Kayle Kog'Maw => Monarch Kog'Maw Lee sin => Traditional Lee Sin Lux => Spellthief Lux + Steel Legion Lux Malzahar => Overlord Malzahar Maokai => Haunted Maokai Master Yi => Chosen Master Yi Nasus => Riot K-9 Nasus Nidalee => French Maid Nidalee Nocturne => Frozen Terror Nocturne + Haunting Nocturne Nunu => Demolisher Nunu Olaf => BROLAF Orianna => Gothic Orianna Pantheon => Glaive Warrior Pantheon Riven => Battle Bunny riven Ryze => TRIUMPHANT Ryze Shaco => Royal Shaco + Workshop Shaco + Asylum Shaco Shen => Warlord Shen Shyvana => Darkflame Shyvana Soraka => Divine Soraka Talon => Crimson Elite Talon Teemo => Super Teemo Tristana => Buccaneer Tristana Trundle => Lil' Slugger Trundle Twisted Fate => The Magnificent Twisted Fate Twitch => Vandal Twitch Udyr => Primal Udyr Vayne => Vindicator vayne Veigar => White Mage veigar Vladimir => Vandal Vladimir Volibear => Thunder Lord + Northern Storm Volibear Warwick => Tundra Hunter Warwick Xin Zhao => Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao I sell it with ebay ( easier for me.. ) : http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221229528459#ht_946wt_1265 http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/21/1369091589-league-of-legends-2.png[/img] GL HF On LoL ! pm me if you wan some infos about this account ! :)
  12. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a REAL developer. He must know how to use the L2P sources ( i work with it. ) I would make a high rate pvp server. Why ? Because i'm really bored of all anothers servers, some skills doesn't work as they should. Balance doesn't exist as they pretend it. I have a dedicated server for 6 months ( more if the server run well), this is a serious project ! You can contact me with mp or e-mail : damien13om@gmail.com Thanks for reading. :)
  13. http://l2-lastluck.com Have fun.
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