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Everything posted by DrHaPi

  1. οκ παιδια διαγραψτε το topic το βρηκα....
  2. παιδια τωρα τι id βαζω?
  3. how can i install it?
  4. pos briskoume tn ip t server omws file?
  5. broken link add a link or lock/delete topic....
  6. cool 10/10 for me !
  7. man why are all the ppl want payment? it is 1 min job....i have the packs and the navicat so they must open 2-3 bat files that i have problem with them.....
  8. xaxaxxa eleos :P
  9. there is no pro there is the addicted that his is 19 hours the day and farming...
  10. i am 60 kilos i am idiot only the 58 of them ^^
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28059.0 check here :$ it wont be the colors that you need but you can change them...
  12. i need a expierenced developer to help me with my server i have packs and navicat back up from a previus server but i have problem on creating one....if someone is intrested he can pm me and he can be gm in my server! :D
  13. file 8a mporo0ses na ts steileis pm yshxa kai wraia :P
  14. add features and photo plz ^^
  15. but the donates there are tooooo low...
  16. ελα φιλε πλζ και απο εμενα οτι θες και gm θα σε κανω...
  17. file eimai newbie dn mporw na t kanw m bgazei problimata to database kai to registerserver oses fores kai na prospa8isw....
  18. φιλε εχω back up για το l2jdb ολα ετοιμα εχω και packs να στα δωσω ρε φιλε να μου κανεις εσυ τον σερβερ πλζ?
  19. i pressed then i pressed c and then
  20. here i will show you pictures of my problem ~~~~database_installer.bat~~~~~ i have the database on navicat and the l2jdb inside....should i change the settings that it is giving me? like root?
  21. where should i post it? o.O
  22. I have this pack http://www.4shared.com/file/M-OokCh9/L2JFree_By_FelonBIG.html can you give me details how can i make a server with this pack?
  23. broken link....add link or delete topic >.<
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