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lordofdest last won the day on March 15 2018

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About lordofdest

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  1. При правильном подходе все что шарил можно применить: Первая версия умеет открывать пакеты до Салвейшена и сохраняет их в базовый формат UE, а потом уже версией от прелюда можно открыть ее и сохранить со всеми фишками л2 включая освещения.. Demev насколько знаю так все свои карты на базе прелюда и делает.. ЭЭЭ Палегче... это просто шара наработок, которые может быть кому пригодятся, а не поиск потенциальных клиентов. Не нравиться сделай лучше, а потом уже критикуй. This is the only result of my research .... You can do better before finding fault.
  2. Хз, у меня почему то мотивация деньгами не работает...
  3. Hey man this is editor based on original dll so source code in core modules doesn’t need for it... This source was success compiled by 2 mxc members.
  4. Нене все что делал для л2 было для души, так что работаю только за идею и как только становиться не интересно начинаю заниматься чём-то другим.. то эмули ковыряю то эксты к птсу пишу ;))
  5. Я его начинал чисто что бы подтянуть скиллы в реверсе, а потом попросту стало скушно...
  6. Sorry, run bat file System\!GenerateLibs.bat
  7. As you know i abandoned this project.. This is my latest source code of Editor based on Interlude dll. Use VS 2013 Community Edition to build it. Run System\!GenerateLibs.bat to generate lib files for l2 dlls. Editor Source Code Have a fun!
  8. This patch was based on c0 setup from L2_clients, also you can find this patched system.
  9. Changes: win10 support l2encdec rsa key multi-window l2.ini: isl2netlog=true serveraddr= startupfullscreen=false Notes: Run in compatibility with win xp Link: Mega
  10. Looks great! Maybe in future try to resolve critical issues... I can open Bitbucket repo for this editor maybe some people contribute to it. (or leeching to private :D )
  11. Extra Cookies: UnEditor-Prelude-Complete-Package Try this one =)
  12. Some update ;) L2Editor based on L2 Prelude DLLs. (Build Maps using original files from NCSOFT as result can build correct Intensity Maps aka IntMap) Installation: Replace original Prelude System folder in client to System from archive. Features: Build Intensity Maps. And other stuff =p Limitations: Open/Save only Prelude Maps. Known issues: Crash on maps with AMover, AMovableStaticMesh. Support: At the moment I do not have free time to support this project. Cookies: UnrealEd-Prelude UnEditor-Prelude-Complete-Package P.S. Maybe in future I try to share Interlude version of this Editor after fixing a lot of issues ;) P.S.S Have a nice day.
  13. Intensity maps for terrain sectors: 1. Can be generated using FDynamicLight::SampleIntensity. 2. Extension for DevMode to call UTerrainSector::MakeIntensityMap() and ULevel::Serialize. For other objects Lineage2 using FMultiLightMap (before GoD which using Beast) Issues will be fixed after fail with loading UnreadEd on Prelude dlls or not fix if we have success. =)
  14. Great work, Fyyre! Maybe another tool can be useful for someone: https://github.com/KN4CK3R/UnrealEngineSDKGenerator
  15. Checked on the chronicles Prelude, Interlude, HF, Helios-GameCost, Salvation-Kr. Installation: Put L2Editor folder into the client folder. Some features: Saves packages as Version 123 Licensee 0. Opens native packages 111, 121. Running on the original LineageEffect, LineageEffect_br, LineageWarrior from Salvation. Problems and issues are still enough but I will continue to work on the availability of free time. If you are interested in further development of the project, you can create issues: https://bitbucket.org/lordofdest/l2editor/issues It is desirable with screenshots, video or any info that will help to quickly understand the problem. If you are interested in the source code of this editor, you can contact with me. The options can be as follows: Exchange or simply handing over to people with a normal reputation on the forum. All other questions are also in the PM or Skype lord0fdest. Have a nice day! L2Editor-compile-20.09.2017.7z Sorry for my English.
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