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Everything posted by Schössow

  1. really good server ? xD and clans r leaving ? and newbies can't farm coz virgins in top eqp r pking, zerging.. just die edit : really good here is only lag delays, lags ,ping 100 , characters with 34d3d3d3, dsfdfdfd etc nicks BB edit 2 : now I checked Giran .. 300online , ofc 300 offline shops... h@h@h@ No Comment + class change req. A D E N A N/c 2 Now I understand why ppl QQ and beg " pls it's good server , play here " good luck...
  2. worth trying ?> how many ppl online ?
  3. well mastertroy is telling truth coz... we all saw these wipes xD and AD here after wipe. anyway alt B says 150 online.. but show me where r these ppl plx xD farm isn't so hard.. but how can I get golden Apiga ?
  4. server is.. farm like hell 800 online.. boxes for coverS, boxes for Aio's, boxes for shops etc Real online maybe 300 -400 Mid rate serv. > Q for sub Q for nobl, FAAARM for eqp I play there and I'm sick and tired, pk everywhere, total nuker server F1 x 3 .GF
  5. server is.. farm like hell 800 online.. boxes for coverS, boxes for Aio's, boxes for shops etc Real online maybe 300 -400 Mid rate serv. > Q for sub Q for nobl, FAAARM for eqp I play there and I'm sick and tired, pk everywhere, total nuker server F1 x 3 .GF
  6. hmm sry I don't belive it has 200 ppl XD I checked every zone almost, they r empty. ~~ 30 shops in giran. anyway gl
  7. hmm sry I don't belive it has 200 ppl XD I checked every zone almost, they r empty. ~~ 30 shops in giran. anyway gl
  8. so server worth trying or not ? how many ppl online ?
  9. so server worth trying or not ? how many ppl online ?
  10. server failed once, ppl wasted their time, so how can we be sure we wont waste our time again ?
  11. today live? or I'm wrong ? & what time
  12. anyway features aren't so bad, u have unique ideas, for sure I will try your server. [ about ownage.. I liked that server ] but I must say I don't like 15 days oly >< gl
  13. this game is for ppl who have prob with brain... all the time I'm pressing E and holding "w".. n/c Crysis 1 was far better .
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