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Everything posted by Valve

  1. yeah, I was playing also hon since closed beta but they went pay mode such as retards from lol so the only good thing left is dota2 which is completely free, and it's not pay2win
  2. yeah, I was playing also hon since closed beta but they went pay mode such as retards from lol so the only good thing left is dota2 which is completely free, and it's not pay2win
  3. this is what I was talking about, lol = shi t dota2 = awesome & the future & graphics & cool in the same time
  4. this is what I was talking about, lol = shi t dota2 = awesome & the future & graphics & cool in the same time
  5. Who cares how the site looks, it's about the information, you don't join the site because it looks cool but because you ahve something to learn from it's good shares. I tought you think better than this xdrac but seems I was wrong
  6. Who cares how the site looks, it's about the information, you don't join the site because it looks cool but because you ahve something to learn from it's good shares. I tought you think better than this xdrac but seems I was wrong
  7. too much hate in their words
  8. too much hate in their words
  9. this was all about maxtor, what did you think ? lol zake just a peon on the chess table
  10. this was all about maxtor, what did you think ? lol zake just a peon on the chess table
  11. none worked... still waiting for a solution
  12. none worked... still waiting for a solution
  13. you must be new here y u no remember all servers maxtor gave epics and shits for money ( or to friends, in this case grisom and me ? :-* )
  14. you must be new here y u no remember all servers maxtor gave epics and shits for money ( or to friends, in this case grisom and me ? :-* )
  15. No, I remember 1 year ago when I was mod that I opened server 4fun and had same shi t disconnect issue but I fixed it, but I don't remember how
  16. No, I remember 1 year ago when I was mod that I opened server 4fun and had same shi t disconnect issue but I fixed it, but I don't remember how
  17. so I setup for fun an server using l2jfrozen pack but when I try to login with an char I get error on gameserver db and disconnect in-game on login. It tells me access denied related to my jdk. Whoever helps me fix this gets +1 karma 8)
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