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Everything posted by Valve

  1. Valve

    Report Dev

    4) When you see a spammer, dont dekarma him. Just report him so giving -1 only for mods so fix my karma now and give -1 to Dev
  2. Dev (0) Valve (-2) - Spamming ^ In topic Yesterday at 21:54:54 Only mods can give -, other members can just report. So as Zake gave me -1 karma for giving -, I want as well dev to have -1 for doing that too. So before closing an topic with crap answer, give link to the new rulles so I can see them also.
  3. Dev (0) Valve (-2) - Spamming ^ In topic Yesterday at 21:54:54 Only mods can give -, other members can just report. So as Zake gave me -1 karma for giving -, I want as well dev to have -1 for doing that too.
  4. e periculos copilu` doar pe forum, stau in umbra si astept momentul oportun sa revin si cand o fi momentul toti cei care au mancat cacat vor plati
  5. go make lvl 1 acc and I make lvl 1 acc also and I pick soraka and you pick w/e you want and let's play 1v1 if you dare
  6. facts not words, that's politician words no wonder why you from
  7. Ventic crying for 10 euros, I live to see this day hahaha
  8. daca vrei bani adevarati, baga-te in lumea tradeurilor...( nu cacat de lineage )
  9. hahaha 0.20$ auzi la tine + ca treaba cu profitclicking de justbeenpaid e o mare teapa... o sa vezi in 1-2 luni ca o sa fie pus iar sub alt nume si iar se fac magarii...
  10. anyway, criticalerror why care so much? just some pixels on a dead forum
  11. I invited you there, nub and I got like 25 ++ invites left `_` Go whatch breakind bad last episode... next season in 2013
  12. there are like just 4 of them that are already shared but dead links, what I have it's from my own PC and from russian sites long time ago. pm sent
  13. you didn't even saw the images on the topic because I posted 2 sec ago and you tipe all sahred here? gtfo this topic
  14. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] Here is an custom collection of npcs/items/textures and other stuff. If you want any of those above, just pm me with the number(s) you want and I will pm you back with download links.
  15. no, just following the rules which say that I did -1 so it's an abuse so he gave me -1 which results to a logic conclusion that you also made -1 on kriple guy so you should get -1 too 3 mins left
  16. but that means he can't give -1 also Lekino (23) `KnipeX (-1) - Stop Break my balls in my Topics go Cry to Maxtor now! In topic Today at 15:44:53 so Zake you got 5 mins to dekarma Lekino also
  17. oh snap, I can't -1, damn forgotten, wussy
  18. that's an -1 for no gr tags
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