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Posts posted by SensationWhite

  1. The server I played on just closed and i guess it wont open again so... atm Im not playing L2 and I dont know wh0t to do, keep playing or leave.


    well If YOU were in my case , what would you do?


    Try to give 1 reason to stay or 1 reason to leave.


    Dont repeat replys, flame other ppl or spam with senseless posts...

    leave because all servers close after some time and u have to start over and over again,thats what i hate most.i never found a stable server that lasts more than summer.thats why i left

  2. 1st things 1st....

    How FOI Works : Yes,you are invincible for xx of seconds in same way as celestial shield,BUT,if you hit someone the effect will over/disappear simply,so...here comes my question...what if someone agro some of the OLs?Agro works with FOI/Cele i think...atleast that's the way it works on Gracia final..

    on il if u hit someone in FOI effect it doesnt disappear

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