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Posts posted by SensationWhite

  1. ...e o strategie de a cere de baut, daca are chef de baut, are!


    pai ori suntem alcoolisti or inu mai suntem ? :))

    la raule ii dau o lada de bere dupa cemi face o sig cu ROmaniacs spam team

    pana atuncea ii dau doar o jumate de lada pentru ca mio modificat titlu cu Bitzili =))

    restu punetiva poftan cui

  2. ioane dak ii traduci tu, poti sami sugi pula oficial si sai zici ca si el are acest privilegiu.


    dak nu, hai cu spamu.

    Sido,m-ai inteles gresit citeste inca odata ce am scris eu acolo am scris asha: Ioane,cineva ii traduce bla bla bla ;nu Ioane cineva ii traduce ,cu sensu ca Ioane e ala cei traduce.Cand citesti cu virgula cu tot ishi schimba sensu.....

  3. In the past it was different, and it was changed back to normal. I just saw that you changed it, again. As you can see, all the spam topics have an english title, so that the visitors can understand what they're about.

    but the title was before [ROmaniacs]Spam topic it was in english

  4. noah nui pot zice nik ca daka se intampla ceva cu contu asta imi face trance capatu si plus ca vad ca ii ceva roman cei tot traduce ca pe google translator nuti traduce asa cum vorbim noi in limbaj de mess......

    one question Coyote :why u changed our title from this section?

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