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Posts posted by SensationWhite

  1. please don't go off-topic + irony or WTF


    I am waiting to see if someone will ever read topic's subject. :D i'll give him adena

    read it,show me the adenaa =))

    for embass:what can i say?this is the one of the reason i left l2.coz when i started on a server,i started alone,i made some friends i ended in a clan,than some other clans left servers because of idk what reasons,than some other ppl left and from 1k ppl server ended up in a 3 or 4 clan server wich we were fighting every day and it started to be boring,so 2 of the 4 clans left and the other 2 ended up to be a ally and everyone left server and went to another server to start over X(.idk whats wrong,all ppl say they love Interlude and all do the same thing:they join ,they say wow cool server,they play for 2 - 3 weeks than they say omg pfff server,stupid admin,then they go in giran and do something like this:!hey everyone this server sucks come on other server www.anotherl2server.com it will open in 1 day and i heard that will rock!! other ppl answer:!omg omg :O lets go...lets brake items and gooo....when other server started same problems and after 3 weeks they move to another...the story repeats

  2. duelist loses easy to summoners, also loses to paladin, temple knight and shillien knight, also Overlord


    its far from the best class


    id say overall > Elemental Summoners


    elemental summoner can beat everything except classes with erase


    1st would go evas saint with nuke augment

    duelist doesnt loose in IL with some good aug

  3. Imo,it really does!Think it that way:

    A company makes a pro game.Everybody likes it=Everybody downloads it=few buy it=zero outcome and earning=company closes=no next version of the game.


    not all of us got so much money to spend on stupid things like games,better for me just to download the game i want from torrent

  4. 1)Open Google translator.


    2) There you write this : ''Will Justin Bieber ever have sex''


    3) Translated from English into Vietnamese.


    4) copy the Vietnamese text.


    5) Now translate from Vietnamese to English.


    6) Prepare to Laugh


    =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))omg omg omg omg omg omg

  5. Absolute clan


    don't even know from where are they,but i just love hearing Aniana in VT


    and Claw is me ;)

    i knew they are familiar,Absolute clan was my enemy and than my friends on a server,and i know Aniana very well now,we are friends.

  6. Hello guys,

    As all have understand these days,in mxc something happens.Many wars,many complains,enough in-active from X-Y persons


    I dont know to explain but i hope you get what i mean.

    I made this topic in order to let the staff (?) understand & express your "feelings" about it.

    Maybe my idea ain't good,but i hope it will has some results.

    Well,you think that the forum is dead or just some peoples are in-active or semi-active (?)

    What do you think,write down some suggestions , example:

    [*]Demote inactive mods and promote active guys which can help the forum?(aka new blood)

    [*]Maxtor should advertise a bit the whole site , in order to attractive new guys from all other the world

    [*]More events & competitions?

    [*]Totally clean up?

    [*]New boards & sub - boards in order to avoid the chaos in spesific sections (?)

    [*]To delete the whole spam topics,in order to avoid bans & smite.As you can see there are many wars lol.



    Well the above its not attack or something,its just some exaple of suggestions.

    For G.mods - Maxtor,

    pleaze dont close the thread it would be nice if you can see the other's suggestions-complains or something.


    PS: Maybe i am not the correct person to do it,but since noone do it , i did it.

    sido proposed 50% of what u did, same answer he get and above that you (speaking about finito,fanky and etc) flamed him that he is wrong, how come you now make the same tipe of request ?

  7. lets promote a RO mod ! YES!

    jezus crist,if you are all time and scrathing at spam topics,how u are supposed any of you to become a mod?



    Again: my point its not spam topics.

    thats not my point we dont need a ro mod so desperetaly we can manage without a ro mod,if there are still mods who can hear us .the point is that some mods are over they`re head with they`re "abuse of power" and some are useless but if maxtor doesnt care we cant do nothing.i had one more thing to said but i dont remeber what,omg :D

    and now i`m mad coz i dont have a place to spam all day long .....and the EN spam is just  >:(

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