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Posts posted by SensationWhite

  1. Ok, only u have to have is a NPC Buffer(for cancel buffs) and a NPC for change class fast.


    1step : with a friend or with ur 2cnd account u give u celestial shield(bishop class).

    2seo ;: when u have celestial shield go fast cancel buffs and change subclass fastly

    3set: u wil give u invincible



    Tested in Interlude servers and 75% working


    Pd: the NPC Buffer and the NPC change class have to be near >_> '

    dude it works only in IL Java with lag ;)

  2. Coyote i think you dislike us ,not because you changed your title but because  u ban that kid Andrey without to warn him,he was his first and only offense he ever said and as Raule said when someone swear him nobody do a thing a warn or something...

    those are the only things i had to say

    hope u wont get mad now and ban all of us

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