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About GmHowdi

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  1. yes i understand you, i have vision about what im doing, but also outside ideas are good to come ! ;-)
  2. as you can read, they wrote on topzone Coming soon: 2020-08-12 19:05:00 GMT+3 I need 2or3 months minimum to get ready, will you appologies when you will see it not us? =)
  3. good advises - Make it impossible for solo players to kill Raid Bosses : we were thinking about daily instance with 1% chance to get AQ - You are cutting the quantity of visible players online : everything will be transparancy, it's our mindset and if we got 200ppl active w/o boxes it will be more than a bot server with 1000 online lol - In my opinion, a server can not survive with a 1 ip concept. : you are right, we need to think about slow players, solo players and clan players
  4. Im not! you know server names.... lol
  5. Thanks you! working on it !
  6. Thanks for your answer guys, yes we share same view, that using fresh client but using old chronicles content. And also use new armors as skins
  7. Yeah I understand you 1000% about P2W/P2P, our goal is to see Lineage 2 Shining again. It's now more than 10 years we want to see a lineage 2 server like C4 time. About Interlude, what do you think about the latest client fufarion/classic but with interlude content ? About allowing 1 adresse IP, what do you think also? we want this to avoid trains. For finding party activity, we will make party matching and also advanced on the website to suggest activity between players.
  8. Hello Guys, we're a small team building a private server. We want to gather a max of information about what the community enjoy and hate in 2020. Can't wait to see your pont of view! ps : we made little poll, if you have more suggestion, let us know.
  9. Thanks you for your answer and informations. I was not expecting answers so fast! May you ask your E-L2-Friends also who can help us to gather informations? Thanks you, Br
  10. We are a little team dev passionate, and we want to make Lineage 2 decent for the community. Let us know what features and ideas you would like to implement. we will update the poll Thanks you
  11. bd 57 - 60% - str dyes - 200e sws 56 - 46% - str dyes - 180e tyrr 55 - 80e destro 59 - 110e Trusted ppl only
  12. wts destro 59 skelth dyes str & sub time UP
  13. WTB EE SKELTH 50+ Adenas or Euros
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