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Everything posted by UnknownX

  1. i have accounts on both servers The players play exactly the same , the only difference is that on euw you will almost never see ppl cursing
  2. [gr] kanei hard carry, se allo game feedaran oloi omws eixane ola ta dragons kai ta barons kai kerdisan
  3. huh? people still belive that this site is legit? gg wp
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=275127.msg2579389;boardseen#new :troll:
  5. [gr]haha shmera me to patch ekanan fix to bug gia free skins auto edw htane to bug gia free skins
  6. [gr]programa gia ip/rp den uparxei
  7. [gr] enow na sou deiksw oti uparxei kai den einai client-side
  8. [gr] pes name eune na sou deiksw, den lew pws ginete
  9. no im not saying client side, im saying server side everyone can see them and you can get even limited skins i can prove you that it exist in a custom game
  10. i know a method for free skins dont be so sure
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