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Everything posted by andre_f

  1. Nº 10- Hard Tanning Nº 11- Restring
  2. try to check exploit section maybe there is something about that.
  3. lol i was tell you that you can use but i was bling lol, yes you should use +wit - int not -men those are pvp dyes for gladi, you need str on gladi for make more damage with skills not dex so better drop dex and add some more con and str.
  4. why dex on duelist? duelist skills dont need dex.
  5. Hi, im looking for a signature with Natalie Portman, i will leave here a picture that i like, i want to have the name andre_f in signature. I don't have nothing to give for pay so if someone make it for free it will be nice :) http://i51.tinypic.com/2uqel9w.jpg
  6. Well since STR give chance to double damage is always good but since GH already have a high STR you should be fine just with +WIT, the problem with add STR is that you will have -CON and GH already have low CON. But is just the player choice, try those setups and see what you like more, but like i said you should be fine just with +WIT. If you play in PVP servers maybe STR is not a bad idea since all have stuff +++ so extra damage is always nice.
  7. i was looking for something like this, later i will try this. but thx for share ;)
  8. It's just some changes that they made in gracia final, but is not patk that matters, what matters is str, many people are using +str on daggers because str give x2 dmg and half kill chance.
  9. 1. Enchant the passive skill for evasion , try to enchant armor mastery to evasion and use evasion buffs like chant of movement and song of water. 2. STR.
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