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Everything posted by djvogans

  1. If you dont try then you never know :)Its the only european server with files used by official server.
  2. oly is up, 1st heroes will be in 1 of July, second hero - July 16, 3rd hero August 1
  3. Tod system is just a server curency. You can buy tods in game from players with adena . So no need real money for that . All in game items can be aquired via mobs too. About spam bots. We daily ban them .
  4. launch latest Updater[Hel].exe http://files.lineage.ru/updater/Updater%5BHeL%5D.exe
  5. A competition for the best screenshot from server Hel x30! Send us the best screenshot from the game world Hel x30, and maybe you will win 300 ToD Rules: The screenshot must be done on the server x30 Hel Large crowd of players or some flash mob on the screen is welcomed Only one screenshot from each player will be accepted Screenshots from past similar events Application form: The exact name of the character which must be awarded Screenshot Leave your application in http://forum.lineage2dex.com/forum/hell-hf-x30-summer-pvp-server-12-june-2015/general-chat-ag/48555-a-competition-for-the-best-screenshot-from-server-hel-x30 thread. Submissions will be accepted until June 22, June 23 among all the participants will be selected 5 works. The winners will receive 300 ToD on their characters. Good luck and creativity!
  6. EVENT : Eva's Inferno During the event with mobs will drop Seeds of Fire of two kinds. Double click on seed can call Spirits of Fire, which can only be killed with bare hands. For this reason, before you start beating them, it is necessary to remove the weapon. After you invoke the Spirit, you will receive a buff and your fists will glow, after that you will be able to kill it. If the Spirit is not killed quickly after its call, it will disappear. When the event will start, on the screen of each player will appear an indicator, showing at what stage is the event. Every dead Spirit of Fire will be recorded in the Eva's obelisk, the obelisk will count kills of the Spirit. At each new stage of the event the reward will increase. On 6, 10 and 14 stages of the event, players can get special prizes from Jack Sage. Items: Seeds of Fire Explosive Seeds of Fire Reward: Additional rewards and information: At different stages of the event from an NPC you can get different rewards for the destruction of the Spirits of fire. Besides the above, as additional prizes will be available: Blessed Scrolls of escape, Blessed Scrolls of resurrection, Buff scrolls, transformation scrolls. Runes and Eva's Circlets are temporary items. Time of duration of Eva's Circlets is three days, experience runes - 3 or 5 hours Eva's Runes - from five hours to three days Event's global bonuses (Eva's Blessing): During the event, the special client window will show the players how many spirits of fire were killed on the server every day. When in a particular day there will be killed a sufficient amount of spirits, the entire server will receive a bonus to experience. Anyone coming into the game at this time will get "hunting" bonus. During the event bonuses will increase. Shall be subject to sale: Seed of Fire, Explosive Seed of Fire, Eva's Rune Pack, Eva's Circlet Pack, Blessed Scroll of Escape, Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Everything else to sell and transfer will be impossible. In addition, the opened Eva's Pack can't be sold too. The duration time of item will start the countdown from the moment when an item will be unpacked and will continue even when the player is offline.
  7. Did someone pays you to write bad in each topic made by anyone on this forum ? :) Kinda weird ....
  8. Depends of the time zone . During Eu night there are latin america players in game , during the day eu players (polish, greece, romanians) and russians . Everything you need to start on the server: Registration HighFive client Patch Alternative mirror for patch Updater SERVICES FAQ
  9. We enjoy each server we made since 2004. If you consider a server with 5000+ online as fail, then we are happy to "fail " like that every time Btw : Why so much hate ? :) how do you sleep at night ? :)
  10. Last server made in coop is made 6 months ago ... + access to our servers was always and will be free of charge. Have fun where you feel more comfortable as player
  11. LIVE streaming from game : http://www.twitch.tv/sharky2xyz
  12. IMPORTANT! Protection system was updated! You will not be able to play with the old shield, update the client. You must delete the system folder and re-download the Updater. Or download the full patch and install it with the replacement. http://www.lineage2dex.com/#!downloadl2 http://files.lineage.ru/patch/high_five_patch_hel_x30.zip
  13. Future events on Hel x30 Server : http://forum.lineage2dex.com/forum/hell-hf-x30-summer-pvp-server-12-june-2015/news-ag/48402-calendar-events
  14. There will be several eu clans and from latin america
  15. Glad to hear that you managed to login . Have fun !
  16. Beta test started, a lot of testers http://www.twitch.tv/sharky2xyz
  17. Arion with 0 advertise at opening has 1412 max online , no shops. After 2 days of heavy ddos indeed nomads left. In each coop srv we made since april 2014 , there were 50-50 ru vs br+eu. In Nanna x75 there were ~40% ru players. The bad part was that eu clans are not united at ru . If you like l2off working files , join us!
  18. Changes for Extra drop rates for locations Lair of Antharas Drake Warrior, Drake Scout, Drake Mage, Drake Leader, Knoriks: Adena rate x5 Excluded and equated to the total rate of the server Noble enhancement stone - chance x5, amount increases according to chance All other drop from these monsters x1 Bloody Karik, Bloody Berserker, Bloody Karinness: Drop chance of general group of Vorpal items - increased to x5 Excluded and equated to the total rate of the server Seed of Annigilation (SoA) ATT stones drop - x5 chance. Mastery drop - x1 Drop/spoil chance of Vesper Weapon - x1. All changes included on the basis of the test results
  19. The steps you need to do : 1. Post HERE : http://forum.lineage2dex.com/threads/7022-Stream-and-win-! your http://www.twitch.tv stream link for upcoming Hel 30x server Requirements: You need at least 4+ hours per day ACTIVE stream. IF you have more then 300+ online viewers we will double the reward Rewards: - 2x 100$ rewards to best streamers based on number of viewers and hours active - 3x 400 TOD in game
  20. Russians + europeans and latin america + georgians via imperium.ge our new partner = enought online to keep even nomads players on server :). It is sad to see some wannabe server owners start to comment on other server topics. Back in the days , we server owners respected each other .
  21. Watch the trailer :) and you will understand
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