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Everything posted by mamaloca

  1. Any news for translate bot?
  2. so, i have brain but my english suck.. if u say find one translator program, that program recognizes what you see ? or i need write all russian parts and get a translation ?
  3. -.- nice "help" we need name of program :P
  4. pto, can u crack english version ? :o
  5. more info for translate english
  6. ur marketing is over...
  7. WE dont know whos gms are... but we play with my friends and get some fun... :D i hope soo
  8. 'WALKER.ZIP' is unavailable. This file was deleted. Don't Work u link :/
  9. Server: www.rpgplay.net -- Freya L2J IP: Acc: testing Pass: asd123 Port: I don't know L2net i need.. or walker :p Plz help =) and Thx =D
  10. Plz help me, i can't enter to l2net or walker in this server... in l2net: ERROR: crash: GameReadThread: index outside the bounds of the array. in L2walker: Login GameServer Fail.. I'm use LPJ and not work..
  11. i can't activate l2net... i can log but i can't active bot
  12. i need explanation about the script and ipj , plis i need this
  13. me podes decir como hacer andar?
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