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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. He said he doesn't want Fraps are you blind or you don't know how to read? Well anyway, try to find a cracked version of Fraps, then you'll be able to record for hours.
  2. Well as far as i know Crystalia is planning to open a server based on aCis. Anyway Tryskell's method is the best to create such a pack. @Crystalia, Frozen can be fixed & remade by skilled developers who actually care about their servers. Take a look at L2Cleaver, as you said few days ago is the best L2jFrozen server, well I personally know the guy who made that pack & I can assure you that he is one of the best to modify & fix the L2jFrozen package. He is also working on a new project using L2jFrozen pack which will be worthwhile to test it when his project will go live. Anyway if there are people who actually knows how to fix and modify L2jFrozen and make it a cool pack then it goes: aCis>Frozen>L2jServer
  3. http://www.karga.gr/siteworth/www/youjizz.com 39.000.000$ +
  4. [GR] Αν ο τραγουδιστής δεν ήταν κουνιστός, θα της είχε ανοίξει τα πόδια 10 φορές τουλάχιστον την ώρα.[/GR] Much better xD
  5. And I report you for inappropriate language & behavior.
  6. DDOS attack έφαγε και έκλεισε. Για μένα αυτό σημαίνει: Server made for donation, unprofessional staff. => Fail Τώρα για το gameplay δεν ξέρω να σου πω δεν μπήκα στον κόπο να μπω :Ρ
  7. Copying a style, in my vocabulary is called ripping dunno for you. Anyway can I have a preview of your site?
  8. Εγώ online πάντως δε το βρίσκω. Και εγώ αυτό έχω (ξέχασα να σημειώσω).
  9. None of your servers were more successful than Interlude.pro .
  10. Ο τρόπος που τέλειωσε ο L2Sonic πρέπει να τον έχεις στα υπόψιν σου πριν τον πεις Top. Ακόμα έχουμε Αύγουστο και εσύ ρωτάς για τοπ; L2Cleaver
  11. Υou are ripper. Let's see what Drac has to say about it as well
  12. Δεξί Κλικ, save image (γίνεται save σε .gif). Πας στο host σου, στα images κάνεις upload, membergroups => Διαλέγεις membergroup εκεί που λέει Star image filename: βάζεις το vip.gif (πχ) Και από πάνω λέει: Νymber of Star Images: Βάζεις 5
  13. Sony Ericsson Neo V Από που θα το πάρεις; Δεν κυκλοφορεί πλέον
  14. More than f*cking awesome :D
  15. The Developer was skilled (If ain't wrong it's Trance) the owner was unskilled regardign Development part as well
  16. Obviously you ripped it. And there was another similar template created by PenToY if I ain't wrong
  17. Ο υπερβολικός εγωισμός ανάμεσα στις διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις καθώς και η έλλειψη επικοινωνίας και κατανόησης οδηγούν σε ρίξεις μεταξύ των ανθρώπων και καταλήγουν να μην μιλάν. Πολλές προσωπικές εμπειρίες, κυρίως λόγο του πρώτου γεγονότος
  18. Well it's a bit of all of your points. DDOS Attacks, yes,of course, since many admins ain't willing to pay for a ddos protection because the cost is high, kids with booters & haters who owns usually a server but protected most of the times, they start ddosing so the players of their servers won't leave. Then is coming to the overused features & concepts. If you check around the Private Section & Preview zone, what you're going to see is 50 new servers, all of them using the same features & closing after 2 weeks in the best occasion. (L2Awakening, L2Amelia, L2WarPath) and many more servers with the same client, players, owners etc. Then it's coming to the developers. Developers & staffers who luck from unique ideas and they are copying other servers' rates & features, they don't even balance or try to clean/fix errors. All of the new projects are full bugged. None really cares to fix any of the reported bugs, players are also stupid without patience and they don't care if the server got a serious problem or not, they just want to play like addicted drug users. That goes to the bad community, and last but not least is the corruption but I don't see many players care about corruption these days.
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