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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. Obviously it should be, but what is the point of this topic? I mean nobody is gone to see that, regarding the facebook development staff. Plus such a button would bring tons of drama into facebook, many haters, girls insulting each other, would be epic!
  2. Do you remember in which community you're? :D Good Luck though, trusted
  3. BonJovi®


    Regarding Maxtor & G.Moderators, Award modification is bugged.
  4. Μήτρογλου και Φέτφα πρέπει να είναι βασικοί (η άποψη μου)
  5. Όπου μάλλον ο κεντρικός αμυντικός θα είναι ο Κοντρέρας, και λείπει και ο γίγαντας Αβραάμ!
  6. Ή θα δουλεύει η επίθεση ή θα δουλεύει η άμυνα wtf? xD
  7. Actually you don't have either 4.000 Members, I mean they are bots, what's the point of buying it?
  8. That's kind of you. Thank you a a lot! Well it's nice, good work :)
  9. That would be very helpful! ;) ty ;P It's too early yet xD
  10. So are you running a server without website?
  11. Thanks both of you xD Mix ye u no gift me a sig? xD Says who.
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