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Everything posted by Akken

  1. Thanks for the tip, yes site is a little empty, we work on files thats why we dont give so much attention to those, i am seeking for a website developer mostly forum one to fix and organize a little at least forums... feel free to pm me with your skills
  2. post the user.java here if you can and mark the line that the code is inserted
  3. Up: 2 Testers are currently testing the server on closed beta test! If anyone else want to try pm me Just sign up on server's forum and pm Insignia if you want to be a closed beta tester! we will provide patch and server for some hours to test anything you need, we make meetings with other testers too to test all together. Note: Being a tester wont give you pros, you wont get items on live nor more attention. You just help staff to make the server better. Regards, L2TR team. edit: http://l2-therevenge.eu/forum/index.php?topic=5.0 vote if you want augment skills to be out of the game!
  4. Updates: Now all PI mob groups are dropping Recipes for armors with 15% rate Each mob and each group drops a different recipe Example Deinochus: They are 4 mobs, 1 will drop helmet recipe, 1 boots recipe, 1 gloves recipe and 1 the main part recipe! Fixed Pterosaurus wasnt dropping siren egg now he does with 15% chance
  5. You are welcome to try us when we will be in the L2 Servers fields, currently we still working on site etc, pack is ready we need testers! i am waiting for pms
  6. Up!! http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/181437-l2the-revenge-looking-testers-for-closed-beta-tests/ check this!
  7. oh ok thanks for the answer, i only know l2j enviroment thats why i asked, thanks for the info
  8. that was not my point and i dont want to offend you but, how geodata is online? is l2off uses an extra ip port for geodata? i am just asking
  9. Geodata Geotata is : ONLINE ????? good luck thought and keep it up!
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/181206-l2j-l2-the-revenge/page-2 Server can go for sure now on Open Beta but we thought to make a closed beta with some testers inside.. PM Me if you want to test the server on closed beta Send pm with the infos bellow: Name Surname Skype Age Experience Language In which test you believe that you can achieve more in order to help L2TR? Server is Interlude pm me here on maxcheaters or facebook page!
  11. up! Updates: Boosted ToI 3-5-7-10-12 floors for xp and adenas Now also pterosayrus drops The Siren egg with 10% chance (need party to kill him of course) Retail like Tyrannosaurus added and fully working with 12 hours respawn and dropping The Siren egg! Server can go for sure now on Open Beta but we thought to make a closed beta with some testers inside.. PM Me if you want to test the server on closed beta Send pm with the infos bellow: Name Surname Skype Age Experience Language In which test you believe that you can achieve more in order to help L2TR?
  12. Up! Open Beta test will be announced next week! (If beta goes well) Grand opening will be around August (3-5)
  13. UP! Register your forums and post your clan, as said again 1st 3 clans will receive gifts
  14. Up! Fist 3 clans will receive clan hall. Register on forums
  15. Thats not possible my friend only source can be compiled
  16. oh god.. dont judge if you dont know what i mean... in the properties of the second server to change port listener to 7778 2 SERVERS CANT BE IN THE SAME PORT... GOD!!! edit: i wont spam the post! judge and say whatever you want i just wanted to help! bye
  17. well i am not sure but no you dont need to have in the same pc just make the game server to listen in the 1st loginhost and all the infos i told you
  18. in which program language are the files coded? do you need a special pc to work on them? also it seems nice as and old player of wow i may give a try :)
  19. make another file as my pal said and then on gameserver.properties put 7778, log in the database and register the new game server (you need a db of course for the 2nd but you will register the 2nd gameserver to the defaults one) i hope you got me
  20. Web site is online! forums are online (but we work on them)
  21. thanks for your reply, well yeah maybe but i can guarantee you that armors and weapon wont ruin the game! I hope i will prove you i am right when OBT will be online! :) Regards, Akken (Insignia)
  22. www.l2-therevenge.eu Domain Bought! Site is uploading
  23. Up! So i ask if features are nice cause i dont see so much interest (at maxcheaters only)
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