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Everything posted by Akken

  1. UP! Site is done, soon will be uploaded (ordered webhost and domain)
  2. Well i will take the chance and say may opinion, if it isnt ip related (Follow others advice and see yourself) check if your console is dropping an error message saying "Incorrect checksum for client xxxx" else tell us here with which java you compiled it and with which you run the server if it is from client as you say then delete the system you got , clean your hostfile from system32 and make another system for your server
  3. UP!! Updates!!! Fixed subclass base level exploit Fixed a new vote reward script (based on a public project one) Enter checkers on login (avoid cheaters) Added drops of T-REX (Was on features but was missing we finished it) Added T-Rex on PI (3 locations/ retail like) (Was on features but was missing, we finished it) Fixed a patch error with Revenge Weapons Fixed some warning of the Game Server and some NPE Errors Changed Raid Boss manager (Now he checks the spawn time of raidbosses and he doesnt stuck) Added a new HTML on the Raid Boss Manager This NPC will be spawned at the Server's beta phase and in giran Website alsmost done, tommorow we will order webhost and domain Also Server will go on Beta phase on a small dedicated machine in the next week Server is ready for the Beta!
  4. it is very good i will use it if you change the top pk in the panel :P
  5. i like it :D but it is somehow an old school server and (top pk on the panel doesnt fit :) it is perfect for a full pvp server maybe i can have the psd? Personal likes: I like text of logo to be with dragon scale effect
  6. Price: 50,000 rubles how much is that in euros? and you sell pack/source only? if possible
  7. Leveling - Instant 80 lvl only adena rates and i guess its useless
  8. Lock it i changed it my self, please next time ask before changing peoples topic!
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/181206-l2off-l2-revenge/ come on moderators!!!! It is L2J Private second it is L2 The Revenge and not Revenge... ask before modifying please....
  10. UP Updates: (Cov is 5 mins, Renewal champion Siren is 15mins and cat/pony 5 mins)
  11. i can send you all the psds to check it out if you want :)
  12. Updates: Boosted Ruins of despair for low levels Splitted MoS in 2 parts, easy and hard now all mos monsters drops raid tokens with a 5% chance! added 2 more raidbosses that droping raid tokens Flame of Spendor Barakiel and Bloody Priest
  13. firefox is perfect i will use it!!!
  14. UP: Boosted ( Exp and adenas on, Valley of Saints, Hot Springs, Forge of the gods, ketra,varka,deathpass, antharas lair,forbitten getaway) Starting level is now 20 with full d grade gear this boosts are made so you can combine faster exp and faster adena farming
  15. if it is too much then check here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/181261-my-server-site-logo/ i posted a psd so you can edit text to fit in a good style :D
  16. Hey, i guess GFXers will have better ideas on the logo so i post my psd here to make on your own idea Text Line][age The Revenge x35 edit: sorry here is the psd link http://www.speedyshare.com/MHY89/header-bg.psd
  17. its clearly i ask if someone can do it free if not.. its ok
  18. I just noticed that another revenge server existed before ours at chronicles c4,c5 and i was playing there, freshed my memories so i found their logo but in sucky quality i got it attached if someone can make a similar one with text Line][age The Revenge i would be so thankfull
  19. nothing from these... i heard a russian developer that gives full packs that are free of bugs
  20. Updates: Buffer now give buffs with animation, u need duals to make dance buffs ( All new chars got on their inventories D grade Duals on start up) Fixed a lame bug: When buffing your mp was going down so you need to use mana pots.. now when you get buff all stats are going to full (hp,mp) Changes on the core side: Fixed Baium Archangels: was doing nothing and werent moving.. Thats for now in the Closed beta.
  21. PI is for recipes and materials for epic only and its on the left side of pi, its a party zone but well you can always suggest a new zone thanks for the suggestion https://www.facebook.com/L2Revengec6 our fb page
  22. UP! Custom items are now working functionable in server, server is done and ready for the closed beta phase if you want to be a tester feel free to drop me a pm
  23. i wanted to change textures of some items to other textures ( i mean change the view of x weapon to an another) i made it myself thnx though you can lock topic
  24. Can't load log handler "java.util.logging.FileHandler" i am not sure since i am not a java developer but i got some basic knowledge, tell me your log file size? try to delete error logs and check what console show
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