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Everything posted by freelins

  1. L2 Khaos.
  2. Thank you! very much. it's very nice guide! for newbie. like me! :)
  3. B grade vs A grade.. REGRET.
  4. No more private servers only official servers ? hmmm.. haha it's fun. :)
  5. thx very much for sharing
  6. cooool!!! i like x70 !!
  7. Machine Info: -Intel Core i7 920 4*2,66 GHz -16 GB RAM -2000(2 x 1000) GB HD -100mbit/s-Port -Unlimited Traffic! -hdS& Intel SSDs very nice spec. :) God bless u!
  8. hi! let's enjoy!
  9. nice work! thx for share. :) good job!
  10. did u see the file? in gameserver/config/ipconfig.xml ? check your IP configuration.
  11. x35/x75 has not hard. just enjoy. but x1000...? it's so easy.
  12. I Like: 1)Difficult and endless farming: Low drops, very strong monsters. 2)My class sucks ass all the time as if the server staff didnt take it into consideration during design. I Hate..: 1)Endless pvp. 2)Large range of useful classes. 3)Easy monsters 4)Missing geodata.
  13. fable3... amazing story~! cooool!
  14. check follow url. http://www.lineage2.com/en it is free. omg...
  15. Only! Dynasty... noble white!
  16. Dinasty Weapons is bests!
  17. Hi~! Diom! good day!
  18. hi! welcome to maxcheaters!
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