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Everything posted by NETTE

  1. Look really good. I want to test it in the game. Crazy idea,but very nice :D
  2. Who can help me, in this topic, Ave do a good hero glow,how can I change usuall to do it same like this? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68522.0
  3. Really usefull guied.
  4. This is relly cool, but it's weight too much((((
  5. Don't wait,use search and found the files that you need,Critical Error did a nice guide for people like you, and do what you want. P/S Why do you do server if don't know the easiest things?
  6. I like it, and it is very usefull,thx bro/
  7. Why are you need them?, use the search before right the message http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11615.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=75480.0
  8. What command MxC are reccomend?? L2j, l2emu or something else?
  9. use the guide by Critical Error
  10. Very useful manual,but what about S80 and S84 is it number 6 and 7?
  11. Very good for girls)),but not for boys and usuall server
  12. I'm not a fun of pink color,but they are really good.
  13. Good share,but can you do textures for kamael race?
  14. Not something really special
  15. They are really good,I more like the first one
  16. Really good weapons with effect,if anyone do rapier,ancient sword and crossbow textures?
  17. I"M agree with Critical Error, you only change the color of textrure,and not really good
  18. Not awesome,bit it's good
  19. The armors is really good, I liket the color changing
  20. I think so that Sacrifice is better,anyway thx for the work
  21. The weapons are good but,the set I think so is better
  22. Weapons are cool, but animation so -so
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