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Everything posted by xHellBornx

  1. that's a very old trick... anyway it doesn't work nowadays..
  2. welcome :D
  3. Ok thanks... twra 3erw ti einai sumvato me t pc m :D (kapoios na lock to post an ginete).
  4. hello :D
  5. Hello! Have fun here and welcome! :D
  6. wraia post me voh8hse arketa. Dn to h3era to quest na pw thn alh8eia.... :D
  7. [/gr] Paidia 8elw na alla3w RAM kai karta grafikwn ston upologisth mou kai dn 3erw ti na parw... p.x. 8elw na pros8esw 1-2 gb ram kai na alla3w karta grafikwn alla 8umamai m eixan pei pws einai analoga auta ta 2 (RAM/Karta grafikwn) k dld an dn einai isws crasharei to pc. kaneis mporei na m proteinei tpt? [/gr] To PC m:
  8. yeah... it's good for players that can't earn pvps by theirself :X
  9. welcome :)
  10. hi and welcome
  11. Welcome to MxC! :D
  12. xa00ax0xa0xa00 eleoC :P
  13. Google is the best option.. (or join a hr server and take some pics :P)
  14. These are very nice crests.. I have already found a nice one for me :)
  15. It's a nice guide explaining to a newbie the places he must go to xp/farm etc. gj
  16. <3 Dion... tho I'm sorry for your mother :/
  17. "Because The Gms,Admins Don't Care About Their Server". They certainly don't pay enough attention to develop their server and lead it to success.
  18. cool guide. But haven't mentioned what to do vs dominators/ vs daggers/ vs titans. Anyway, gj
  19. Nice skills... I wonder if an archer crits with Death Stinger what would the result be? the skill gots ~24.000 power...
  20. I 've played freya and the new skills balance the gameplay a lot. that's my oppinion at least. xD
  21. wraio share, einai pl xrisimo thanks :)
  22. wraio share, einai pl xrisimo thanks :)
  23. x200 ... na exeis na xpareis kai ligo
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