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Everything posted by albert95

  1. for the moment LoL but i played a lot l2 and counter strike
  2. is there anyone else? :D
  3. hi :P
  4. lvl 7 no more :P very difficult
  5. It's just a draft... still nothing real. For me it will be just a fail
  6. Yes. right IraQ. i agree with you. The piracy it's a way to play with games but without spending money
  7. For me u should make a PvP server (better than low rate) but u must introduce new things because there are a lot of PvP servers...
  8. http://www.l2knockout.com/ Not my own server...
  9. With full buffs Heal Empower lvl10 and Prayer lvl10 Victories of Pa'agrio Restore a lot of heal (more than 10k hp) very important skill ;)
  10. There are classes, like adventurer, paladin and overlord in some interlude's server that are overpower. I think there are no augments to delet to balance servers but delete skills like mirage dash or shield stun. An expample of what i am saying is L2 KnockOut... where adventurer, paladin and overlord are the top classes. That's my opinion
  11. Dragonic is very nice. Dyna too. But Vesper too costum..
  12. I agree with PwNNNz0r.^ ... it looks very exiting but there is the 80-90 chance that it will be just a FAIL
  13. Yes it works good :D very nice script
  14. This video is so funny but is in italian and u must try to understand it :D
  15. I do not understand how people like to play freya :| ... just too much new skills and items i rly prefere Interlude
  16. Assassin's creed (alle the 3), NFS and Lineage 2 xD
  17. Most scary games i've played are Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) and Silent hill but ppl told me that resident evil is so scary too
  18. I think most ppl already knew this little "trick" :)
  19. i think u cant make greek topics here...
  20. The best farm zone is Antharas Lair because there is too much space for farm
  21. Ok this video is fake but is very very funny xD
  22. I think that the piracy is not killing the music because it's just "another wat to listen to the music"
  23. GTA San Andreas FTW! the most beutyful gta game :D i love it. I finished 2 times lol
  24. i prefer Fable 2... for the better gameplay :D
  25. Cloud FTW!! :D
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