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Everything posted by angelshero

  1. 14400 seconds = 4 hours :)
  2. Nice share but showing point is not good for competition. I make some changes: CHAR_NAME = rs.getString("char_name") POINTS = "HIDE" COMP_DONE = rs.getString("competitions_done") join and cancel don't work :(
  3. your armor man... is to yellow :S
  4. Hello L2 Fans, I am happy to introduce you the new l2 freya server the server is opened since 1/9/2011 and been a great success with big community! we worked hard to bring you the most stability and balanced L2J server. and we keep doing our best! Server rates: XP 3000x SP 3000x Drop 10x (custom) RB drop 10x (custom) Enchants: Enchant value Enchant safe +6 Enchant max +14 Enchant chance Normal scroll - 40% Blessed scroll - 100% Element chance Stone - 100% Crystal - 100% Jewel - 40% *note: any element can be put only to S-Grade, S80, S84 gears Augumentation skill chance - 80% More upcoming updates !! so what are you waiting for?! Join us now ! http://l2fury.ro/
  5. Hello all i am leader of NewHeroes Clan we recruting members..We need :bishop/archers/elders/dagers.The server is http://l2fury.ro/ they open In 1st september Thnx for your time and hope see you there. have fun
  6. Very good job but in hopzone not working
  7. yes but i get many errors... :(
  8. WTB some L2 auto-events with vote activation compiled for l2jserver last revision 4486/7756 - Capture The Base - Capture The Flag - Korean PVP - Death Match - 3 vs 3 - Party vs Party ...and more PM for offer
  9. pai pentru tot ce-i acolo 450 lei
  10. si dau mai mult de 3 lei :)
  11. am nevoie de pack cu ce am zis mai sus (compilat) nu de GM duc lipsa
  12. asta e. nu vrei bani inainte de anul nou... nu pot sa te oblig :)
  13. am avut 250 playeri in 4 zile de cand i-am dat drumu la server. dar... am avut un ban pe hopzone, si n-am avut auto eventuri. si am avut donatii de 225 euro in 3 zile.. care i-am bagat tot in server (home)
  14. nu de linkuri am nevoie. ci de tot pachetul compilat
  15. pune-le pe toate la un loc, si castigi un banutz ;)
  16. fa-l tu si cere un pret. castigi si tu un ban cinstit(muncit).
  17. WTB!! Server Freya (l2jserver) * safe +3 Weapon/Armor Max, +10 weapon/armor * chance 25% for normal enchant, 100% for blessed enchant * ballanced classes * New character start at lvl 61 with A grade weapon/armor/jewels * Penality grade for: archer-heavy armor, daggers-heavy armor * PVP color name and title (100,300,500,1000) * AntiBot System (L2Walker, L2Net, L2phx) * AutoVote Reward on hopzone (if you vote you get ONE item (tattoo or mask with increase +2 str/dex/con/wit/int/men at choice with 12h valid) AUTO EVENTS Vote system for next auto event - TVT (.join tvt) - Capture The Flag (.join ctf) - Capture The Base (.join ctb) - Korean PVP (start in olympiad zone) (.join korean) - Hide and seek - DeathMatch (.join dm) - Christmas event *activate on 1st december untill 31 december - Valentines event *activate on 14 february untill 15 february NPC All raid bosses lvl 85 All Mobs drop only adena 1x rate All epic RB drop adena and epic jewel - RANK NPC - Top PVP/PK - Custom Buffer - Full buff (5h) - Scheme buff - Custom Teleport - All Town - farm area (6: Ketra, Varka, Pagan Temple, Execution Ground, Forbidden Gateway, Primaveral Isle,) - Boss Zone (TOI - all bosses on diferent lvl of tower) - Epic Boss - Arena (Coliseum, Giran Arena, Gludin Arena, Undergroun Coliseum) - GM Shop - B grade+ weapon/armor/jewels - full GM Shop - Forgotten Scrolls - Instance Manager - 1 solo - 1 party - Siege 1 week (sunday) - Hero 2 weeks - Teritory war 1 week (saturday)
  18. Server Freya (l2jserver) * safe +3 Weapon/Armor Max, +10 weapon/armor * chance 25% for normal enchant, 100% for blessed enchant * ballanced classes * New character start at lvl 61 with A grade weapon/armor/jewels * Penality grade for: archer-heavy armor, daggers-heavy armor * PVP color name and title (100,300,500,1000) * AntiBot System (L2Walker, L2Net, L2phx) * AutoVote Reward on hopzone (if you vote you get ONE item (tattoo or mask with increase +2 str/dex/con/wit/int/men at choice with 12h valid) AUTO EVENTS Vote system for next auto event - TVT (.join tvt) - Capture The Flag (.join ctf) - Capture The Base (.join ctb) - Korean PVP (start in olympiad zone) (.join korean) - Hide and seek - DeathMatch (.join dm) - Christmas event *activate on 1st december untill 31 december - Valentines event *activate on 14 february untill 15 february NPC All raid bosses lvl 85 All Mobs drop only adena 1x rate All epic RB drop adena and epic jewel - RANK NPC - Top PVP/PK - Custom Buffer - Full buff (5h) - Scheme buff - Custom Teleport - All Town - farm area (6: Ketra, Varka, Pagan Temple, Execution Ground, Forbidden Gateway, Primaveral Isle,) - Boss Zone (TOI - all bosses on diferent lvl of tower) - Epic Boss - Arena (Coliseum, Giran Arena, Gludin Arena, Undergroun Coliseum) - GM Shop - B grade+ weapon/armor/jewels - full GM Shop - Forgotten Scrolls - Instance Manager - 1 solo - 1 party - Siege 1 week (sunday) - Hero 2 weeks - Teritory war 1 week (saturday) I w8 PM
  19. Server Freya (l2jserver) * ballanced classes * New character start at lvl 61 with A grade weapon/armor/jewels * Penality grade for: archer-heavy armor, daggers-heavy armor * PVP color name and title (100,300,500,1000) * AntiBot System (L2Walker, L2Net, L2phx) * AutoVote Reward on hopzone (if you vote you get ONE item (tattoo or mask with increase +2 str/dex/con/wit/int/men at choice with 12h valid) AUTO EVENTS Vote system for next auto event - TVT (.join tvt) - Capture The Flag (.join ctf) - Capture The Base (.join ctb) - Korean PVP (start in olympiad zone) (.join korean) - Hide and seek - DeathMatch (.join dm) - Christmas event *activate on 1st december untill 31 december - Valentines event *activate on 14 february untill 15 february NPC All raid bosses lvl 85 All Mobs drop only adena 1x rate All epic RB drop adena and epic jewel - RANK NPC - Top PVP/PK - Custom Buffer - Full buff (5h) - Scheme buff - Custom Teleport - All Town - farm area (6: Ketra, Varka, Pagan Temple, Execution Ground, Forbidden Gateway, Primaveral Isle,) - Boss Zone (TOI - all bosses on diferent lvl of tower) - Epic Boss - Arena (Coliseum, Giran Arena, Gludin Arena, Undergroun Coliseum) - GM Shop - B grade+ weapon/armor/jewels - full GM Shop - Forgotten Scrolls - Instance Manager - 1 solo - 1 party - Siege 1 week (sunday) - Hero 2 weeks - Teritory war 1 week (saturday)
  20. Paladin or SK
  21. I was played there many years before... good server
  22. http://jfaclan.ning.com/
  23. what is means: decent prices?
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