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Everything posted by Trance

  1. Are scripted like posts/topics.
  2. Yes it is SMF, he can just log in on his acc to see them. And if he deleted all pms... I don't think so Maxtor will make a big effort.
  3. He can't check any pm.
  4. da ma e sclav da-l in plm da la cn vrea el.
  5. E un spart, 30% Din cei care posteaza nu's greci. :)) are el cv cu mn.
  6. am vaz, ma pis pe el :)).
  7. L2JRok. Closed && not done. Remove it cause will not be useful. L2Emu. Same story like L2JEqual. L2JEqual. As I know this is the old Svn & Timeline. Latest: Svn && Timeline This topic need many changes.
  8. Good graphics? I don't think so. XD
  9. Windows 7
  10. Now I saw he wrote l2j revision, in the image he looks like.... random player. ---- Multiple posts (same error / wrong sections) Junk following topics: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212172.msg1834531#msg1834531 , http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212177.msg1834586#msg1834586 Because already exist in the right place: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212150.msg1834150#msg1834150
  11. "My server work 100% don't have any bug now" Always will be my friend, I played there with my ally about 1 week or more and then we left.
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212232.0 move to [share] Lineage II Develop [L2J Server]. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212235.0 move to Lineage II General Discussion [English] » [Request] General Help.
  13. Doesn't exist any server in this world without corruption, they just need to hide it. Anyway I know how is it. Some ppl see another ppl kinda strange, he killed me cuz of this bla bla , he have items from GMs. But in generally isn't true. ;d Letme guess, some ppl told ya that in game?
  14. da=)) Aia doar trb sa joace cu assist/kkturi d'astea.
  15. You just need windows 2003, can u open it if u have less than 8 GB. It's just rec like L2J to have minimum 4 GB ram for geodata. Maybe I got the idea, you bought those files that after you sell them to make money. But as you said you need x x x ram/etc. How can you be sure you have good c4 files if you haven't open the server yet? because that I understand. So good luck and stay away from scammers.
  16. This effect has been appeared on Gracia. Can you do smith like that but another effect.
  17. A post made ​​from the heart, that's true.
  18. 30x, no custom, nothing changed. L2Off. Easy.
  19. It's Buffer, axhaxhaxhaxhhaxahx.
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204309.0
  21. :)))) Va crede.
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