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Everything posted by Anedaktos

  1. file m dasone opos panta sta guide protos
  2. eleos re file ftiaxnis topic gia enan server pou kathe mina o top ginete gm dld kai i koutsi maria exei gm dld lolen okathe noob na poume exei donate o server ta 40 atoma pou exei twra ta 39 exoune donate
  3. o maxtor stin sigekrimenei selida pou edixes leei tis times gia sticky ena topic kai oti mporeite na poulate kai na poulate websites packs kai alla
  4. ti noima exei re file na exeis 200 euro kai na ta kaneis donate kane 20 euro 30 to poli pigene se kana katastima kai pare giato pc sou oti goustaris twra me tis times pou low pou exw dei perneis kai mia kali othoni an den exeis (kali othoni)
  5. dasone opos panta eftiaxes enadimiourgi ma :D
  6. PES 2011 is selling from 29 september for xbox 360 and PS3 i am not so sure for pc but he cost 60 euro in greece
  7. hello all i am herre to tell something i know all want the pess 2011 and i realy wanted :D at 29 September iit sell at plaisio
  8. poli kalo to guide sou dasone sinexise etsi
  9. Gia to CS5 an ginete na mou dosete ena link cracckarismeno an ginete kai oso gia ta tutorials tha ta psaxw olla gt einai ena pragma pou me endiaferei poli
  10. Geia sas pedia epidi blepw oti me to photoshop kapia atoma kanoune papades xD anarotiomouna an kapios kai bebea thelei na me boithisei dld as pou mi kapou sigekrimena pou prepe na psaxw kai an ginete kapia basika pragmata na mou dixi .... To xerw oti einai diskolo kai to photoshop prepei na to matheis mono sou alla an ginotane ligo help plzz .. exw photo shop CS3
  11. an einai me lefta ok
  12. i think x5000 is very good more ppvp and dont lose your time for exp in pvp server faster level and then only pvp xD
  13. l2jiteon exw akousi einai pio kala alla bebea iparxoune kai alla kalitera alla bebea oxi toso psagmena me tin enia toso gnwsta me tis litourgies tous giauto na protimisis l2jiteon to exw akousi apo tous friend m to protimoune oi perisoteroi
  14. warlord gia interlude se eukolo farm pio kalos se ligo pio diskolo sph kalitero pusteuw
  15. i will join
  16. eiparxoune kai kalitera auto mouse clicker kai exoune gini kai polla share alla ok good
  17. tha ftiaxw ena alla xriazomai ena program gia na ftiaxw video an exei kapios na mou dosei
  18. welcome
  19. Signomi gia olli tin taleporia auto arxio periexi ta pio basika hacks gia emena : [pre]L2walker L2 phx L2 brute_1_5_1 LJ Atacker server crasher V1.01 AUTO clicker L2J-KILLER L2FILEedit skull upd flooder [/pre] auta periexei to file kai to link edw:http://www.4shared.com/file/XkAXMTdu/Lineage_II_Hacks.html AN exw xexasi kati sixoresteme eimai new
  20. exw edw fili kai files m ena wraio fakelo me ta pio kala gia emena hack oriste to link elpizw na to ektimisete soz an exei gini xana share egw ta sigentrosa olla mazi [ftp][/ftp]http://www.4shared.com/file/XkAXMTdu/Lineage_II_Hacks.html Ta hacks pou periexei to file einai ta exeis : L2walker L2 phx L2 brute_1_5_1 LJ Atacker server crasher V1.01 AUTO clicker L2J-KILLER L2FILEedit skull upd flooder
  21. mou edixe enas me friend me polla post to topic FOBERO SHARE THANKS
  22. HELLO ALL I AM THE HGM FROM dejavoo and we change new pack AND customs CUSTOMS:maybe we add one small pack who have dark knight armor dynasty armor weapon icarus dusk dynasty and we have and wings and alot more server is on but cant join because dont add new patch we add new patch all in maxcheater if can join and i help all from items from DejavoO ~HGM~Anedaktos13
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