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Everything posted by Anedaktos

  1. bump
  2. I want an account 30 level with champions and skins maximum i can give is 20 Put name image with champions skins etc
  3. hello gues all know the new console xbox one i make a page on facebook and i post any news that i have from the microsoft about the xbox one if you want check it :) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Xbox-One-News/141845026011957 also i contact 2 times per weak with microsoft support for xbox news like (price if will be low that this that they said about trade games online ) etc also i will add all new gameplays and trailers about the xbox one games and if you can post your opinion about xbox one :) Sorry if the link from the page is not allowed to post on forum REALY Sorry
  4. axaxaxa the name is scammed l2anime axaaxa also fail server .. the admin open server every month only for money
  5. sas euxaristw poly pedia :)
  6. Geia sas pedia exw arxisei na mathenw twra apo dev kai arxisa me ena guide apo to mxc auto edw http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=106214.0 kai thelw ena pack giati zitaei pio katw tha mporouse kapios na mou dosei ena pack free . epsaxa kai sto mxc alal den brika kapion pou na kanei share to pack kai to link pou eixe to pedi apo to guide einai dead ta link gia to download :( mporei kapios na mou dosei ena pack ... Euxaristw :) (TO Pack pou zitaw as einai opos nane apla na arxizw na mpenw sto klima ) ( den zitaw agorazmenw pack :D )
  7. Hello to everyone http://l2royalguardians.zxq.net/Site/features.html Game Specifications : Server Chronicle: Interlude Rates: XP: x5000 SP: x5000 Adena: x1000 Enchant Rates: Max: +25 Safe: +7 Chance: 75% Blessed: 100% Event : -CTF Event(Auto)-high grade lifestones -TvT Event(Auto)-Top grade lifestones -Hide and seek-items +25 -PvP Event At coliseum made by Gm Team* With prize 1 Active skill or +1 more on a +25 weapon (1 time per month) -Russian rullete-Unique items(Monster shields, Coins and more...) Vote Reward System : We have a special event & vote reward system which is based on Heart Stones. With every 5 votes on Topzone/Hopzone, all online players will be automatically rewarded with Vote Reward Item. General Informations: Olympiad : *Validation Period every 2 weeks. *From 18:00 to 24:00 GMT +2. *Hero weapons CAN NOT be enchanted. Noblesse : -Available Caradine's Letter at Gm Shop Subclass : - Up to 3 subclasses. Custom Items: *Dynasty Weapons *Dynasty Armors *Tattoo of fighter[Atk.Speed] *Tattoo of mage[Cst.Speed] *PvP Legendary Weapons *Raccoon Ears[General Stats] Custom Farm Zones: *Festival Adena Farm Zone[Monastery of silence] *Festival Adena Safe Farm Zone[Hunters Village] *Golden Apiga Farm Zone[Giant's Cave] *Lifestone(s) Farm Zone[Primeval Plains] *Exp Zone *PvP/Pk Zone 3 Spots[Primeval Isle-Beach] *Grand Boss Area *RaidBoss Tower[Tower Of Insolence][13 Raidbosses] Custom NPCs : *Gmshop *Global Gatekeeper *Buffer *Custom Shop *Vote Shop *PvP Shop *Wedding Manager *Class Changer *Augmenter *Pk Guard Fatseas* *PvP/Pk List Manager) *RaidBoss Information Dedicated Specifications : Server is located in Germany OS : Windows 2012 R2 Server Standard 64bits CPU :Intel Core i7 (4 x 2,66 GHz) RAM :12 GB RAM HD : 2000 GB (two 1000 GB hard disks) Internet:100 Mbit/s Traffic : Unlimited Uptime : 100.0% PS:My name in the game Is TheMetalman13 i will help you with items // also full pvp and daily events from the GM-Team join nOW :D
  8. i said in the title i want a bot for vote in hopzone i want a free or if i must pay tell how cost
  9. thanks i find something /locked plz
  10. Hello gues if someone know any site or a way that can give me something from the title with low price post or pm plzz and if its possible to prove it thats work :) i pay only with paysafecard
  11. thanks i fix it Realy thanks could some tell me .. how to add and font to photoshop?
  12. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/22/86335671.png/ check the photo and help me plzzz
  13. hello i have a big problem when i write in photoshop (Text) is too small i add the biggest 72 tp but nothing what i must do? photoshop cs6 sorry if i post it in wrong section :(
  14. if its possible 25 i thinks is good
  15. otan arxizi to game prin patisis play leei region alaxe region meta play bale logariasous play kai an sou leei ta idia se olla ta ipolipa region epikinenonise me to support tis riot
  16. Hello i want to sell one lol account informations: LEVEL:30 RUNES:1 FULL PAGE ATTACK AND 1 NOT FULL ATTACK CHAMPIONS:46 WINS:250+ EAST If you want more infromations you can contact with me via Pm and we can make a league of legend party to see with your eyes .. also i can take one screeshot (if someone can tell me how i can do it xD ) About the price I dont know you can post or pm how much you give :) PAY:PAYPAL
  17. i NEVER FIND SERVER FROM MAXCHEATER ONLY IN SPECIAL TIMES .....i join to server and it's best
  18. Good luck .....one server with no custom Yeah :) Lets join all
  19. someone told ps3 gives free internet and xbox dont give .... xbox can give you freee internet to play multi but need to know somethings
  21. den ton eklepsa file m apla kaname ena trade tou edosa ena gamato char kai mou edose enan noob kai tou ton eftiaxa kai kai meta eithele kiala den pisteuo na einai scamm auto allla perisotero axaristia
  22. I have one char named IceDeathRullez and i want to sell it for 60 euro char info:dyn +++ 20 robe light 21 dms +++ 31 6 weapons +++ 31 In dms i have int +1 and in bow STR +1 from skills duel might focus wild magic gudiance agility for some pics and more informations pm me
  23. at november 8 2011 .....i with my best friend we will to stay out of shop at 8 o clock because need to be the first to buy and play this special game :PPPP i cant w8 :DDD
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