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Everything posted by malakaso0

  1. Hi.. if I want to log in with one char, enchant weapon and trade to another char.. can the GM see logs of enchant and what was included in the trade window? Eg trade am+15 for 5 gold
  2. PM me with offers, thanks
  3. Xerei kaneis an ginetai na breis passwords me scriptaki [me liga logia an douleuei kati tetoio se kanan c4/IL server gt fantazomai thaxoun anebasei k security se pio prosfatous]? As poume oti ftiaxnw ena script gia bruteforce h exw ena rainbow table telos panton k thelw na to xwso ston server... meso poiou programmatos mporw na to balw?
  4. Hi, could someone please link me to an OOG or even IG (OOG prefered) for l2mafia ? I read some threads and people claim that it has super protection vs walker but I highly doubt that...
  5. Pm for further info!
  6. Sebomai thn apopsh sas alla 8ewro mlkia na prospa8eite na 8apsete ton server. Den poulao ton char san imba char alla ta 10 augments pou foraei
  7. low rate/high rate?? low rate: mage - spellhowler fighter - warlord high rate: mage - spellsinger fighter - destro
  8. An k den uparxoun polla atoma, uparxei panta pvp sta evo zones.... k otan leo panta to ennow :P mporei kapoios na mpei kai na to dei monos tou ... www.l2athebaldt.com bump
  9. Hacker... lmao, gia na eisai kanonikos hacker prepei na mpeis panepisthmio kai na to spoudaseis, den mpaineis google kai grafeis hacking kai les "a wraia twra xero na grafo ena command sto prompt, eimai kai gamo hacker". Yparxei oloklhro course panw s'auto 3etes kai 4etes (bachelor/master) sto computers & ethical hacking. Ama breis enan "hacker" ths prokophs sto maxcheaters (diladi na mporei na kanei sobarh zhmia) sou sthnomai na me gamhseis
  10. www.dragon-community.net x5, x15, x30, x200 L2Off, depending on server population varies from 500-1k+
  11. Poulao char ston L2athebaldt me kala augments gia magous kai fighters, ean endiafereste kai eisaste apo a8hna pm edw gia na milhsoume private. Stelno screens augments k char meso messenger.
  12. very simply Obama is [GR] M A L A K A S, koita fatsa na poume [/GR]
  13. Works fine on the server I tested but I got another question... is there any other item that you can dupe this way ?
  14. He said it works on DN... well it doesn't. When you are 10> levels below the time when u learn the skill you lose the skill eg: Fire vortex u learn at lvl 78, if u are lvl 67, u don't have the skill anymore.
  15. (1)eisai se entelos la8os section (2)des ligo pio katw pou leei LineageII development kai psaxe ekei, exw guides etc. Mallon gia L2J milas opote mpes sto antistoixo forum.
  16. mporw na er8o kai egw apo sas se net cafe gia thn antalagh..
  17. Agorazo items ston NM x30. Mono apo a8hna, pm me me times kai ti items ty.
  18. could you please re-upload this? I get this error: The file link that you requested is not valid. I downloaded other patches from other people but the skills become black. ty
  19. @ players on retail, for some chars yes MA robe set is better... but when you say on SPS it's better I get kinda confused. Why? DC robe set = WIT, WIT = xx stats + M crit a well geared SPS with valakas and a WM augment could mcrit much more therefore save mp there no?
  20. ta pouao kai meso paypal
  21. file tsekare hmeromhnies ....
  22. Ακομα τα πουλαο
  23. Poulao chars me kala augments ston L2AtTheBaldt h tous antalazw me chars/items se allon server. http://www.l2athebaldt.com/forum/ Pm gia plhrofories.
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