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Everything posted by angerfis7

  1. you are kidding me right ?:D u might aswell put l2tower site on ur site's homepage
  2. www.lineage2ertheia.com high rate pvp has good population
  3. yo mate any chance of spoiling some info ? like approximate date and more specific rates(not like it rly matters i'll play it anyways :D just curious )
  4. means at lvl 61 u probably still wont be able to afford C grade :D
  5. bump
  6. bump
  7. as title says i need 30lvl acc with some runes and enough champions to be able to play rankeds . Saying it from now im not giving more than 5-10euro .
  8. how much do u want for the account
  9. I'm pretty much done with games so i need someone to start taking care of my account.The account is since season 1 and it has NEVER EVER been banned only warned couple of times like 2-3 times nothing special,of course i have the email i'll give it away so u can change it to your own email. I can prove you everything i'm saying by teamviewer or monitor share from skype (show u the skins,account,email whatever you want). I've 20 rune pages + pretty much all the runes you can think of If you're interested pm me and i'll tell u my summoner name so you can lolking or send me your skype and we can chat/speak whatever. some pics : http://imgur.com/EcKKYJ7 http://imgur.com/GKRyRyH http://imgur.com/7X76Au6 http://imgur.com/TcEkRmf http://imgur.com/kZNdFIK http://imgur.com/bCq3j94 http://imgur.com/5GwYEgx Skins : (might have missed 1-2 just they're too much these are probably 99% of the skins) Ahri - Midnight and Firefox Akali - Blood moon akali Alistar - Unchained alistar Amumu - Pharaoh Amumu (u cant get it anymore) Anivia - Bird of Prey and Blackfrost (Legendary) Annie - Frostfire annie Ashe - Queen Ashe and Heartseeker Ashe Blitzcrank - Definitely Not Blitzcrank (Halloween) Caitlyn - Sheriff Caitlyn and Officer Caitlyn Cho gath - Nightmare cho (you cant get that one anymore) Corki - Hot Rod Corki Diana - Dark Valkyrie diana Dr.Mundo - Toxic Dr.Mundo (u cant get that one anymore) Draven - Gladiator Draven Elise - Victorious Elise (reward) Ezreal - Frosted Ezreal Fizz - Tundra Fizz Fiddlesticks - Union Jack Fiddlesticks and Suprise Party Fiddle Gangplank - Minuteman Gangplank Gragas - Gragas, Esq. Graves - Hired Gun Graves Heimerdinger - Alien Invader Heimerdinger and Snowmerdinger (both epic after visual upgrade :D ) Hecarim - Headless Hecarim Irelia - Nightblade irelia and Infiltrator Irelia Janna - Hextech Janna and Victorious Janna (Season 2 reward) Jarvan IV - Dragon Slayer/ Victorious Jarvan / Warring Kingdoms Jarvan Jax - Angler Jax (u cant get it anymore) Jayce - Debonair Jayce Karma - Traditional Karma Karthus - Pentakill karthus Katarina - Mercenary katarina Kayle - Judgment Kayle Kennen - Deadly Kennen , Swampmaster kennen(u cant get anymore) , Arctic Ops Kennen Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix Kog'Maw - Sonoran Kog'Maw(u cant get anymore) and Monarch Kog'Maw Jinx - Mafia Jinx Le Blanc - Mistletoe LeBlanc ( u cant get anymore) Lee Sin - Traditional Lee and Muay Thai Lee Sin Lissandra - Bloodstone Lissandra Lulu - Winter Wonder Lulu Lux - steel Legion Lux Leona - Pool Party Leona Malphite - Marble Malphite and Glacial Malphite Malzahar - Shadow Prince Malzahar Maokai - Totemic Maokai Master Yi - Assasin Master yi Miss Fortune - Waterloo Miss Fortune Mordekaiser - Dragon Knight (u cant get it anymore) Morgana - Sinful Succulence Morgana and Ghost Bride Morgana Nasus - Dreadknight Nasus Nidalee - Leopard nidalee & Bewitching Nidalee (u cant get both of them) Nocturne - Haunting Nocturne ( u cant get it ) Orianna - Sewn Chaos Orianna Pantheon - Full Metal Pantheon Poppy - Noxus Poppy Riven - Battle Bunny Riven Ryze - Tribal Ryze and Dark Crystal Ryze Renekton - Pool Party renekton Shaco - Royal Shaco Shen - Frozen Shen Shyvana - Boneclaw shyvana & Ice Drake Shyvana Singed - Mad Scientist Singed Sion - Hextech Sion (sion) Sivir - Bandit Sivir Skarner - Earthrune Skarner Swain - Bilgewater Swain & Tyrant Swain Teemo - Cottontail teemo Tristana - Buccaneer Tristana Trundle - Traditional trundle Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts and Musketeer Twisted Fate Tryndamere - Highland Tryndamere Taric - Emerald Taric Thresh - Deep Terror Thresh Udyr - Spirit Guard Udyr ( Ultimate skin) Vayne - Dragonslayer Vayne Veigar - Leprechaun and Superb Villain Veigar Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir ( Legendary ) Vi - Neon Strike Vi Warwick - Tundra Hunter Warwick Wukong - Volcanic Wu kong Xin Zhao - Warrington Xin Zhao Yasuo - High Noon Yasuo Yorick - Pentakill Yorick Ziggs - Pool Party Ziggs Zyra - Wildfire Zyra & Haunted Zyra
  10. SD
  12. Yeah Good job :)
  13. bump
  14. Acc is boosted to gold 1 probably i'll make it plat tomorrow here are the changes:
  15. bumpuuu
  16. bumpp
  17. bump... I can also show u the account via teamviewer or skype sceen share
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