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Everything posted by Cherub

  1. I still cant register. lol
  2. You should have done this before you become a gold member...
  3. Well I think I am a human and this is a bug...
  4. When I try to register a new account, after I complete all the forms and click on the "Yes" option in the Anti-bot system it says this: Why?
  5. Am I stupid or yes...? Pfff.... Every religion has a God you piece of trash... If you dont believe in God you are an atheist no matter if you call Him Allah or whatever. Except if you believe in many Gods... Are you a Pagan or something? 1. I dont know facts I dont read about beasts here we are talking about Revelation and Religion so we should speak only about Christian claims and there is no Christian claim that a beast cannot be a demon. 2. 1) Lucifer is the leader of the demons. Angels that become evil are demons. Evil spirits are demons. So it doesnt matter if he was an Archangel. He is still a demon since he turned evil. Of course stronger than any other demon / angel. But still a demon. 2) You said a beast cannot be a demon. So why a dragon can be a demon? Dragons are powerful creatures, more powerful than a mortal and are affected by emotions.
  6. Cherub

    Ancient Greek

    No. The word means you just love your country too much. Thats all. Of course this means you prefer people from your country instead of outcomers. This doesnt mean you hate everyone who is not from your country. For example I consider myself a nationalist and I hate seeing outcomers in my country, but I also love Greece and Greek people, Polish people, French people, Spanish people and more...
  7. I dont see something retarded in this.... Except if you are antiracist in L2 too...
  8. No I dont because I didnt even know what is dev back then. Simple....
  9. I just said romanians are gypsies. Thats not racism since they are truly gypsies...
  10. Yes but not in just 10 minutes. Also I hadnt eatten anything the whole day and night. I was completely empty. Right you are not a nigger but you must be a gypsy because romanians are gypsies. Also if you are not a nigger why do you have this nigger in your signature? That wasnt racist. I didnt insult niggers....
  11. But we didnt have more and I'm sure if you'd drunk this you would pass out too. Once I drunk a whole bottle of Gordon's and everyone else drunk another bottle but they shared it each other. I mean they drunk 1/4 each of them. Everybody throwed up and they didnt get too drunk but I drunk the whole bottle alone and I didnt throw up. I just got drunk in the school and they expelled me...
  12. You are lieing nobody can drink a bottle of votka in this size. And actually the wine I drunk was bigger because it was a water bottle not a wine bottle and it was Greek wine because I'm in Greece right now. And I passed out. Also I never drink I am just getting drunk every 1 month or something....
  13. Are you telling me that if you drink all this in 10 minutes you wont get drunk? Thats foolish....
  14. You must be so idiot.... I never said I'm a girl and of course I'm not a blond shit like the totally fake "girl" in your picture.
  15. You are provoking me if you say that a bottle of water full of wine is not enough to get drunk...
  16. Beer bottles? impossible.... From the other side you are a nigger though so you are used in getting drunk from weed and other nigger shits like that.... (First warning.... I didnt say anything racist with this account until now) What is e-girl?
  17. Well it doesnt matter if I'm a girl it's not nothing. It was a big bottle of wine. Not a normal bottle. It was in the size of a big water bottle.
  18. Well... My mother had drunk only two glasses and I drunk the rest of the bottle.
  19. Too late Raule I dont wanna speak anymore :P
  21. Now my stomach hurts.... I shouldnt drink that much. My mother drunk only two glasses from this bottle and I drunk the rest.... I am going to pass out or what? Hope Im not going to die or something :P
  22. Cherub

    Ancient Greek

    Anyway I love Greece. But yes I think Ancient Greeks were great and modern Greeks are not that different from other white race countires. But still I have nothing against modern Greeks.....
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